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How to get debug output?

KDE Telepathy

KDE Telepathy has ktp-debugger application to get debug output from a running CM. Sadly it does not monitor the bus for new names, so you have to restart it to get the info about a recently started up service.


dbus-monitor --pcap > mylog


Bustle can open a log previously saved in pcap format.


According to telepathy freedesktop org debugging manuals, this workflow could be used:

  1. stop GUI clients (KDE gui, for example):

    killall -i ktp-text-ui ktp-contactlist

  2. stop MC (component implementing both the Account Manager and Channel Dispatcher):

    killall -i mission-control

  3. stop the connection manager (matrix telepathy-tank for example):

    killall -i telepathy-tank

  4. start the connection manager with logs output (tank.log for example):

    /usr/lib/telepathy/telepathy-tank 2>&1 | tee tank.log

  5. start MC with logs output to mc.log:

    G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=all MC_DEBUG=all /usr/lib/telepathy/mission-control-5 2>&1 | tee mc.log

How to add registered connection account to the Telepathy (Matrix connection operator, for example)

According to tank.manager via mc-tool from telepathy-mission-control:

mc-tool add tank/matrix <connection-local-name> string:account=<matrix-username> string:user=<local-username> string:password=<matrix-password> string:server=< or another> string:device=<device-name>

Check summary:

mc-tool summary

Enable account:

mc-tool enable <account name>

Set status to online:

mc-tool request <account name> online

How to test your dev version of the Connection Manager with system libraries

Arch Linux

Rebuilding system package

(telepathy-tank for example)

Create some temporary build directory:

mkdir /path/to/telepathy-tank-test-package

Download aur git pkgbuild script there:

cd /path/to/telepathy-tank-test-package
curl -L -o PKGBUILD

Edit PKGBUILD to support your cloned git repo not github source:

sed -i 's/source=/#source=/g' PKGBUILD
sed -i 's/md5sums=/#md5sums=/g' PKGBUILD

Edit PKGBUILD to support cloned git repo path at pkgver() and build() part:

sed -i 's/cd \$_gitname/cd \$_TANKGITPATH/g' PKGBUILD
sed -i 's/cmake ..\/\$_gitname/cmake \$_TANKGITPATH/g' PKGBUILD

Run makepkg specifying you local git path:

_TANKGITPATH=/path/to/code/telepathy-tank makepkg

Install local package (specify exact new package name, not telepathy-tank-git-r*.pkg.tar.xz:

# pacman -U telepathy-tank-git-r*.pkg.tar.xz

See also