Reference "Book" - Teku16/liveatc-rpi GitHub Wiki

LiveATC RPI Setup Reference "Book"

written by Mikey Kopp at Liberty University.
last revision: 9/14/2017

Darkice Config File Help

To edit the stream file (please be careful):

sudo nano /etc/stream1.cfg

Error Handling:

"DarkIce: AlsaDspSource.cpp:173: can't set channels [1]" (or similar)

  • FIX:
    • OVERVIEW: change "sampleRate" in file stream1.cfg (or similar) to a lower rate (I used 22050 rather than default 44100)

"ALSA lib pcm.c:2239:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM " OR "DarkIce: DarkIce.cpp:1273: can't open connector [0]"

  • FIX:
    • OVERVIEW: change "device" in file stream1.cfg (or similar) to the proper device identifier.
      • STEPS:
        1. Run command "arecord -l" to list sound devices.
        2. If listed, the device should say something like "card 1: , device 0:".
        3. From my experience, the proper device number should be the card number, NOT the device number.
        4. Open your config file (mine is stream1.cfg, as denoted above).
        5. Find the line that says "[input]", directly below is "device". Change that to your device identifier (hw:x,x).
          In my example, that is "hw:1,0" (hw = "hardware", 1,0 = card 1, device 0 [possibly])
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