initializer lists - TeensyUser/doc GitHub Wiki
If you have a class with a default constructor (parameter less constructor) you can easily declare arrays of objects of this class. Here an example showing how to do this with Servos
#include "Servo.h"
Servo servos[5]; // array of 5 Servo objects
void setup()
servos[0].attach(3); // attach pins to the Servos
However, if the constructor of your class needs parameters you need to pass them as shown below for the Encoder class. The Encoder constructor requires two pin numbers for phase A and phase B respectively.
#include "Encoder.h"
Encoder encoders[]{{1,2}, {4,7}, {0,15}}; // constructs 3 encoders at pins (1,2), (4,7) and (0,15)
constexpr int nrOfEncoders = sizeof(encoders) / sizeof(encoders[0]);
void setup(){}
void loop()
for (int i = 0; i < nrOfEncoders; i++)
Initializer lists can be useful if you need to do something for a list of arbitrary objects. The following example shows how to set the pinMode of a bunch of pins to output:
void setup()
constexpr uint8_t pinA = 3, LED = 13, STP = 7;
for(uint8_t pin : {pinA, LED, STP}) // for each pin in the initializer list
pinMode(pin, OUTPUT);
You can also use initializer lists as parameters to functions. Let's define a enhancement for the pinMode function which takes a list of pins instead of only one.
void pinMode(std::initializer_list<uint8_t> pins, uint8_t mode){
for(uint8_t pin : pins){
pinMode(pin, mode);
// usage:
void setup(){
constexpr uint8_t pinA = 3, LED = 13, STP = 7;
pinMode({pinA, LED, STP}, OUTPUT);