The fault handler on Teensy 4 - TeensyUser/doc GitHub Wiki

Teensy 4.x ( and MicroMod with same 1062 MCU ) in release of TeensyDuino 1.54 offers a CrashReport feature.

It can be tested and printed with code like the following that will expose a Crash if recorded - it will also CAUSE a crash to show the behavior when one was not present to start.

// Typical Usage Example : when a sketch is leaving the Teensy non-responsive
// Compile this sketch with USB Serial
// With Serial Monitor attaching it will restart and show the CrashReport
// If Serial Monitor is not active it will continue to Crash and restart

void setup() {
  Serial.begin(9600); // With TeensyDuino 1.54 Serial.begin() may return connected
  if ( Serial && CrashReport ) 
  { // Make sure Serial is alive and there is a CrashReport stored.
    Serial.print(CrashReport); // Once called any crash data is cleared
    // In this case USB Serial is used - but any Stream capable output will work : SD Card or other UART Serial
    // Following code will cause a Fault of the processor from writing to a NULL pointer
    // Don't run it again until the next restart showing normal after a fault
    uint32_t *y = 0;
    y[0] = 5; // Comment or remove this line to preevent causing a Crash

elapsedMillis blinkTime;
void loop() {
  if ( blinkTime > 1000 ) {
    digitalToggle( LED_BUILTIN );
    blinkTime = 0;

In the event of a found CrashReport the persistent ( while powered ) nature of the RAM2/DMAMEM can retain data values in use before the Crash restart can be present on restart after the watchdog time out.

DMAMEM byte myWarmRam[13]; // This array will be in RAM2 and present with prior values on restart.

When allocated this way it will reside at a specific location between restarts, and this memory is not zero initialized or otherwise overwritten - unless new code upload has it moved during the build.

arm_dcache_flush(myWarmRam, sizeof(myWarmRam)); // As long as the cache was flushed to physical RAM before the Crash