Pin Modes - TeensyUser/doc GitHub Wiki

To setup digital pins for one of the various input or output modes you can use the pinMode(pin, mode) function which takes the pin number (as given in the pinout card) as first and the mode as second parameter. The following modes are available on all Teensy models:

Mode Description
OUTPUT Low impedance output mode. Pin can be set or cleared using digitalWriteFast
OUTPUT_OPENDRAIN Operate the pin in open drain mode. Please note this Teensy specific quirk of open-drain mode.
INPUT High impedance input mode. Pin can be read with digitalReadFast. This mode is set per default. Reading an open pin gives undefined values.
INPUT_PULLUP Adds a pull up resistor (~10k?) to the pin. Open pin reads HIGH
INPUT_PULLDOWN Adds a pull down resistor (~10k?) to the pin. Open pin reads LOW
INPUT_DISABLE Disables the pin

Here an example demonstrating how to read and write digital pins. It also shows the effect of PULLUP and PULLDOWN input modes on open pins. (Examples can be downloaded here)

constexpr int inputPin = 0;

void setup()
    while (!Serial && millis() < 1000) {}


    pinMode(inputPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
    Serial.println("Using INPUT_PULLUP:");
    printDigitalVal(inputPin, digitalReadFast(inputPin));

    pinMode(inputPin, INPUT_PULLDOWN);
    Serial.println("\nUsing INPUT_PULLDOWN:");
    printDigitalVal(inputPin, digitalReadFast(inputPin));

void loop()
    digitalWriteFast(LED_BUILTIN, !digitalReadFast(LED_BUILTIN)); // toggle pin

// Helpers ----------------------------------------------------------

void printDigitalVal(int pin, int val)
    Serial.printf("Pin %d value: %s\n", pin, val == 0 ? "LOW" : "HIGH");