Mapping Pins to Ports - TeensyUser/doc GitHub Wiki

For accessing the GPIO registers directly it is helpful to know the mapping from GPIO registers to the digital pins and vice versa. The following sketch prints out a table with these relations. The first column shows how the pins are mapped to the registers, the second column shows how the registers are mapped to the pins. The full code can be downloaded here

#include <algorithm>
#include "pin.h"

void setup()
    while (!Serial && millis() < 1000){}

    Pin *pins1[CORE_NUM_DIGITAL];
    Pin *pins2[CORE_NUM_DIGITAL];

    for (unsigned pinNr = 0; pinNr < CORE_NUM_DIGITAL; pinNr++)
        Pin *p = new Pin(pinNr);
        pins1[pinNr] = p;
        pins2[pinNr] = p;

    std::sort(pins1, pins1 + CORE_NUM_DIGITAL, [](Pin *a, Pin *b)  // Sort by pin number
        return a->getPinNr() < b->getPinNr(); 

    std::sort(pins2, pins2 + CORE_NUM_DIGITAL, [](Pin *a, Pin *b)   // Sort by GPIO and Bit
        if (a->getGpioNr() < b->getGpioNr()) return true;
        if (a->getGpioNr() > b->getGpioNr()) return false;
        if (a->getBitNr() < b->getBitNr())   return true;
        return false;

    // Print results in two columns--------------------------

    Serial.println("PIN   GPIOn-BITm  |  GPIOn-BITm    PIN");
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < CORE_NUM_DIGITAL; i++)
        unsigned pin1 = pins1[i]->getPinNr();
        unsigned pin2 = pins2[i]->getPinNr();
        unsigned gpio1 = pins1[i]->getGpioNr();
        unsigned gpio2 = pins2[i]->getGpioNr();
        unsigned bit1 = pins1[i]->getBitNr();
        unsigned bit2 = pins2[i]->getBitNr();
        Serial.printf("%02d  -> GPIO%u-%02u   |   GIPO%u-%02u  ->  %02d\n", pin1, gpio1, bit1, gpio2, bit2, pin2);

void loop()

And here a part of the printout for a T-LC

00  -> GPIO1-16   |   GIPO0-01  ->  03
01  -> GPIO1-17   |   GIPO0-02  ->  04
02  -> GPIO3-00   |   GIPO1-00  ->  16
03  -> GPIO0-01   |   GIPO1-01  ->  17
04  -> GPIO0-02   |   GIPO1-02  ->  19
05  -> GPIO3-07   |   GIPO1-03  ->  18
06  -> GPIO3-04   |   GIPO1-16  ->  00
07  -> GPIO3-02   |   GIPO1-17  ->  01
08  -> GPIO3-03   |   GIPO2-00  ->  15
09  -> GPIO2-03   |   GIPO2-01  ->  22
10  -> GPIO2-04   |   GIPO2-02  ->  23
11  -> GPIO2-06   |   GIPO2-03  ->  09
12  -> GPIO2-07   |   GIPO2-04  ->  10
13  -> GPIO2-05   |   GIPO2-05  ->  13
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️