How to add content to the WIKI - TeensyUser/doc GitHub Wiki

  1. Edit the sidebar by adding a link to your (not yet existent) page and save it.
  2. Click on your new link in the sidebar. This will create your new page.
  3. Enter content and save the page.
  4. Done

Please do not use colons, question marks or other special characters in the name of your page since this will mess up GIT clones. Underscores seem to be OK.

If you want to add pictures you can copy them here and place a link to it in your page.

A WIKI is only as good as its structure. It will only be used if one easily and quickly finds relevant information. So, please add your pages to the most fitting sections. Changes to the structure should be discussed first (best to open an issue in this case). Here the current setup:

  • Basics: This contains stuff which should give new users a quick head start.
  • Information about the built in interfaces like SPI, UART..., how to access it, related libraries etc go into Connectivity:.
  • PC Communication: Contains information and tutorials on how to communicate to connected PCs. Especially for beginners it might be difficult to go beyond displaying some text on the serial monitor. So, examples showing the PC side of the communication might be valuable (various operating systems, various programming languages).
  • Displays, Audio, Video and Libraries is obvious
  • Information about the Arduino IDE and alternative build systems should go into Compiling and Uploading
  • Parts, Vendors, MCAD files and ECAD libraries, soldering tutorials etc can be found into Electronics
  • Fun Stuff is, well, fun stuff
  • Tipps & Tricks contains tutorials and other information which might be useful for others.