Manifesto - TedHusted/ GitHub Wiki

#The DreamOps Manifesto# is a remarkable platform, and we want to help take it to the next level. We have a dream. We want to be the most scalable, most agile, most developer-friendly platform on the planet -- or in the cloud -- bar none.

##Enterprise Developer top Ideas## Areas where can enhanced ...

  1. Parallel test fix - Many folks lost ability to run parallel tests in Spring 2013.
  2. Partial Data DEVELOPER Sandboxes - 200mb is all we need for development. (Please, please, please, throw a switch and make this so!)
  3. Source Control, Revision Control, CVS, Subversion - for S-Controls & Apex Code - Under consideration (5480 points).
  4. Provide Enhanced Apex Testing Functionality (2660 points).
  5. Permission Sets: Allow standard object permissions to be packaged (250 points).
  6. Include packaged profile changes with push major upgrades.
  7. Combine all test class in one location like Triggers (130 points).
  8. Support for External IDs when loading test data using the Test.loadData() method (110 points).
  9. Allow trial orgs to use Facebook Social Accounts.
  10. Super admin user mode to hide components from admins.

Sign on to the manifesto by upvoting all top ten ideas today!

##Enterprise Developer top features## What does really, really well!

  1. Developer and sandbox orgs on demand.
  2. APIs.
  3. External Ids.
  4. Globally unique Ids.
  5. RESTful UI.
  6. (new) CLI and trusty migration tool.
  7. Seasonal releases and weekly patches.
  8. Workbench site.
  9. Finely grained security model with graceful degradation.
  10. User object with password reset and password policies.

If you are ready to get your geek on, join the DreamOps group now!