Manifesto - TedHusted/ GitHub Wiki
#The DreamOps Manifesto# is a remarkable platform, and we want to help take it to the next level. We have a dream. We want to be the most scalable, most agile, most developer-friendly platform on the planet -- or in the cloud -- bar none.
##Enterprise Developer top Ideas## Areas where can enhanced ...
- Parallel test fix - Many folks lost ability to run parallel tests in Spring 2013.
- Partial Data DEVELOPER Sandboxes - 200mb is all we need for development. (Please, please, please, throw a switch and make this so!)
- Source Control, Revision Control, CVS, Subversion - for S-Controls & Apex Code - Under consideration (5480 points).
- Provide Enhanced Apex Testing Functionality (2660 points).
- Permission Sets: Allow standard object permissions to be packaged (250 points).
- Include packaged profile changes with push major upgrades.
- Combine all test class in one location like Triggers (130 points).
- Support for External IDs when loading test data using the Test.loadData() method (110 points).
- Allow trial orgs to use Facebook Social Accounts.
- Super admin user mode to hide components from admins.
Sign on to the manifesto by upvoting all top ten ideas today!
##Enterprise Developer top features## What does really, really well!
- Developer and sandbox orgs on demand.
- APIs.
- External Ids.
- Globally unique Ids.
- RESTful UI.
- (new) CLI and trusty migration tool.
- Seasonal releases and weekly patches.
- Workbench site.
- Finely grained security model with graceful degradation.
- User object with password reset and password policies.
If you are ready to get your geek on, join the DreamOps group now!