houseqr: serverless QR generator for house URLs - Technoculture/VVplus GitHub Wiki

houseqr: serverless QR generator for house URLs

API Endpoint:

A simple node.js serverless service intended for the AWS lambda platform.

  • The service accepts a UUID, which in practical usage signifies the unique identifier for a particular house

  • The service accepts a house UUID.

  • responds with a fixed-size image containing a QR code.

The QR code encodes the URL to the s3-hosted QR code image file.

graph LR

U([User]) ---> | getqr/UUID | A[API Gateway]
A --> | UUID | C{Is QR already in S3?}

subgraph L[AWS Lambda]
C --> |yes| I[Respond with Image URL]
C --> |no| G[Generate QR Image]
G --> S[Store in S3]
S --> I

I ---> | image file | U
