Serving GLB files - Technoculture/VVplus GitHub Wiki



Server Side Architecture

  • CDN: Use a content delivery network for edge caching of the files
    • Rationale: We have very few files, a few of these asset files are likely to be used in every render (structure, plot assets, etc.). This means caching some of these frequently used files will benefit performance - especially given most of our requests are likely to originate from particular geographical areas (North India).
    • CDN also allows us to serve requests using HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 (Speed)
    • CDN also allows us to serve files with a compression header so that compressed files are transferred over the internet and decompressed on the user's browser. Given the glb assets tend to be big, this seems like a reasonable addition. [TODO]
  • DNS: Use of a subdomain (assets) on the domain
    • Rationale: This is just so that changes to the underlying server architecture do not need to be updated to the codebase again and again
  • S3: It's an object storage, readily available AWS service
  • Lambda: To compress files uploaded onto the S3 bucket
    • Rationale: It allows our backend data team to simply upload glb files instead of worrying about the compression system being used (gzip, brotli, etc)
    • Ideally, we will use brotli as it provides up to 10x compression factor, which might lead to very snappy load times despite big glb assets. Turns out brotli for compression of gltf/glb or other mesh formats has associated issues. Perhaps it may be better to use glb files along with gzip compression. [TODO]
  • glb: Use glb files instead of gltf files
    • Rationale: gltf files are json files, whereas glb(bianry) files are binary files, this means glb files tend to be smaller in size

While this approach is more so based on some common practices not related to glb files in particular, here is a reference blog article that indicated that the method is relevant to glb assets or bulky webgl sites in general

Why glb and why serving compressed files?

file gltf glb gzip glb Compression Factor
plot 61.7 KB 47.4 KB 43 KB 69.7%
groundfloor 560.4 KB 435.1 KB 60 KB 10.7%
firstfloor 554.2 KB 429.5 KB 61 KB 11.0%
secondfloor 554.2 KB 429.5 KB 60 KB 10.8%
roof 79.1 KB 60.3 KB 53 KB 67.0%

🚨 Faced errors, issues using gzipped files with babylon's built in importers.

Using General Purpose Compression Engines is problematic ⚠️

Found an issue discussion on BabylonJS forum regarding the slow rendering of huge .glb files and how it can be fixed. This link leads to the forum. The major takeaway from this discussion was the advantage of using compression tools specifically built for .glb files such as Draco,gltfpack or Rapid Compact.

Some other important points to be noticed were -

  • The number of triangles and texture sizes might slow down the loading of files by a long shot. Minimising this number will help a lot.
  • Secondly, gzip only works on text files I think, but multiple layers of compression tend to not improve things much unless they achieve their results a different way. This leads to problem of non-applicability of general purpose compression engines for mesh files.

Compression Tools for 3D Mesh files

  • Draco
  • Gltf-pipeline

    Draco Compression

    gltf-pipeline -d -i firstfloor.gltf -o ff.glb

    -d is to choose draco compression

file gltf draco compressed glb
firstfloor 556 KB 84 KB
structure 3.3 MB 340 KB
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