Guidelines for Contributing - Technoculture/VVplus GitHub Wiki

Basic Guidelines for Contributing

⚠️ Do not fork this repo

  1. Create a branch in this repository to carry out work on a set of tasks
  2. Use the Projects kanban sheet to update the task you have completed or have initiated work on.

    ⚠️ Make sure to keep this up to date always.

  3. Commit and push changes to the repository frequently - at the very least once per day
  4. Send a Pull Request to merge a set of tasks into the main branch, once the tasks are completed
    • To the description of the pull request, mention the list of tasks associated with the pull request in a checklist format
  5. Name branches according to their purpose. caching, ui-v2, responsive, etc. are good branch names. Do not name a branch on your own name. satyam, naman, etc. are not good branch names.