Git IntelliJ Guide - TechnionYearlyProject/Exam-Scheduler GitHub Wiki

This guide will help synchronize Git and the Jetbrains Intellij IDE. The main goal is to allow easier commit & push by doing it directly from the IDE without a console.

If you are the first to open the project:

  1. Create a new project in Intellij.
  2. Click on the VCS tab in top menu and check 'enable version control'.
  3. Click on Git in the menu and press OK. Now we will bind your project to your Repository-
  4. While in your repository in Github, press the 'Clone or Download' button and copy the address.
  5. While in Intellij press Alt + F12 to open the console.
  6. Enter the following line: git remote add origin <the link you copied>.
  7. Enter the following line: git push -u origin master.

If you are one of the teammates and you want to download the project from the repository to keep on working:

  1. Open a new project in Intellij.
  2. Choose 'Check out from version control'
  3. Choose 'Git'.
  4. While in your repository in Github, press the 'Clone or Download' button and copy the address.
  5. Enter the address copied.

You can now use the shortcut Ctrl+K to commit + push.