Team Client Meeting Number 1 - TechnionYP5779/eduval GitHub Wiki

Location: Taub SSDL Date: 16.01.19 Time: 08:15-09:00


  1. Yaniv Baldinger
  2. Eric Kiel
  3. Daniella Dagan
  4. Ilia Smagloy
  5. Boaz Rosenan (TA)
  6. Boris Shtivelman (Client)

Summary Boris explains the client's needs of the application.

  1. Application to help manage lessons and most importantly provide motivation to the students.
  2. The client divides the lesson into 3; start, middle, end. Start: beginning, those who showed up get their points, the client specifies that showing up isn't mandatory in their vision. Middle: New material. Points for participation, for checking before and co. End: tougher questions, higher value
  3. The kids shall be able to earn as much as they're able to in the lesson - they can see it in a "Journal" tab that is opened after a lesson. Each lesson is at most earning 100 points/money
  4. What to do with this money? The student shall have an account, and he can save it up. Note that you cannot lose, but you can earn less (and the "prices" shall be high). In the vision of the client - the teacher has an interest to "sell" the right not to go to a test.

Q and As: Q: Are you sure you want to give people money for their participation only? What about achievements? A: First of all, achievements are rewarded more (tougher questions and etc.). Moreover, yes - a quote "We would do it even without the money" applies here - there is quite the regular motivation already. But we want to provide an outer motivation. The industrial revolution is something we want to learn from. We want to make a step into the future - everything progresses with this motivation to be able to be better. The current educational system doesn't provide such an option. We want it to be possible. And we want to provide technical abilities for the teacher to motivate his students more - the "loud" students those that are easily noticeable and the silent ones, that are shyer.

Q: Do you want to divide the currencies by subject? A: At first, yes. But in the vision - no! Give the person to choose where to invest.

Q: Should there be the class structure? But what if there is a class switch unexpectedly. Maybe a list? A photo? A: Well, we want as much as we might. But it shall be all together probably. A photo is a great input. But a number of the table is good and easy. And if you switch - check in again. Suggestion(Eric): An easy solve - have a barcode on the tables to scan when you check in.

Q: What about the schools that wouldn't like the system and the preparation for the school's needs to do in order to switch? A: The revolution didn't happen fast. But people shall see other people earn more. This shall grow by experiment. If the schools see results - the might want to switch. Q(follow up): Maybe we ought to give an easier option that allows a teacher to do it by himself? On the grass with no preparation? A: Yes. You're correct. But this is a work progress.

Q(Boaz): We shall talk schedules. A: Test period stats soon. which means we'll be back in full work only in March.

Q(Boaz to client): What do you expect to get at the end of the project? A: A beta version - Database to work in a few classes at once. A shop option. But I believe meeting HAVE to happen during February so we'll be prepared for full work in March already. Eric(followup): I think extra preparation is good.

Q(Boaz to Client): A new app or continue the old one? A: We shall see what is already here and check. Might take some code, but more importantly the concepts. Next meeting shall be a simulation [Team Agrees].