Inbound API Tasks - TechnicheGroup/urgent-rest GitHub Wiki
Create Task
POST /tasks/{tenant}
These notes go alongside the swagger definition to help the user determine the value of fields to submit
Property | Notes |
ExternalIdentifier | Your reference for the task your are creating. Must be unique to your user/entity |
InitiatorName | Name of the person or system creating the task |
SiteCode | SiteCode where the task is located |
Description | Describe the issue of the task. Include error codes, etc |
DefectSource | The cause of the issue. Varies per tenant, but typically Damage - Known Source, Damage - Unknown Source, Unknown. The full list can be retrieved from the Reference List endpoint and the task group. |
MatrixItemCode | Category of task |
Chargeability | Determines if the task is chargeable or not. Most users will not have permission to use this field, so should submit it as null to allow the platform rules engine to make the determination. |
Workflow | Determines which workflow the task should use. Most users will not have permission to use this field, so should submit it as null to allow the platform rules engine to make the determination. |
ServiceLevel | Determines service level associated with the task. Most users will not have permission to use this field, so should submit it as null to allow the platform rules engine to make the determination. |
Supplier | Determines the supplier associated with the task. Most users will not have permission to use this field, so should submit it as null to allow the platform rules engine to make the determination. |
Assets | List of GUIDs of assets to associate with the task. |
IsAssetAvailable | Boolean to inform whether the asset is still operational despite the fault. Can be null. |
CustomFields | List of custom fields required by the tenant for this task. Can be determined by the Custom Field methods |
Relate | Can link the task being created to an existing one. Type is either "child" or "related", reference is the other task's reference number |
Request Examples
Minimum Request
The following request shows the minimum data required to create a task via the REST API. The InitiatorName, SiteCode, Description and MatrixItemCode properties are all that is required. The assignments rules engine in Urgent will then make the determination for the remainder of the properties. Please note that individual tenants may have differing requirements for the CustomFields and/or Assets properties. Requests with this level of information could be made by a Site or Supplier user.
"InitiatorName": "John Doe",
"SiteCode": "R732",
"Description": "Air conditioning unit is dripping water",
"MatrixItemCode": "01-05-AC-01"
Full Request
The following request shows all properties that can be used to create a task via the REST API. Requests with this level of information would usually be made by a Management user.
"ExternalIdentifier": "T-10002",
"InitiatorName": "John Doe",
"SiteCode": "R732",
"Description": "Air conditioning unit is dripping water",
"DefectSource": "Asset Breakdown",
"MatrixItemCode": "01-05-AC-01",
"Chargeability": "Chargeable",
"Workflow": "Reactive",
"ServiceLevel": "P4",
"Supplier": "AirCon Fixers Inc",
"Assets": [
"IsAssetAvailable": true,
"CustomFields": [
"Name": "RT_IsInsurance",
"Answer": "FALSE"
"Relate": {
"Type": "child",
"Reference": "80042"
Response Examples
Failure Example
Indicates that the task was not created.
"Messages": [{
"Key": "BrokenRule_CreateTask_SiteRequired",
"Value": " A site is required"
"TaskReference": null,
"TaskIdentifier": null
Success Example
Indicates that the task was successfully created and dispatched.
"Messages": [],
"TaskReference": 800827,
"TaskIdentifier": "167e2c46-2670-44fb-a96d-a6ea0ee4a93e"
Success Example with conditions
Indicates that the task was successfully created but was not automatically dispatched.
"Messages": [{
"Key": "BrokenRule_CreateTask_NoSla",
"Value": "The task was successfully created, but remains in a New status as there was no Service Level assigned"
"TaskReference": 800827,
"TaskIdentifier": "167e2c46-2670-44fb-a96d-a6ea0ee4a93e"
Change Task Status
PUT /task/{tenant}/{identifier}/status
This method allows you to update the Status of a given Task.
Property | Notes |
StatusName | The name of the status to transition to. It must be a valid destination status from the current status. |
StatusChangeDateTimeUtc | UTC date and time that the status change was made, in ISO-8601 format. Note that for most users and status changes this property ignore unless the status' IsManualDateEnabled property is true. |
Note | A comment to go along with the status change. This may be mandatory, depending on the tenant's configuration. |
TaskCompliance | Task Compliance Custom Fields to go along with the status change. Only required if the status has Task Compliance questions assigned. |
AssetDowntime | If the answer to the main question "IsAssetAvailable" for the Task is still FALSE and there are Asset Downtime questions available for the selected Status then this property is required. |
TaskResolutionCause | Specify the code of the Cause matrix item and any optional notes |
TaskResolutionRemedy | Specify the code of the Remedy matrix item and any optional notes |
AssetConditionSurveyResponses[] | Array of Asset Condition Survey Responses |
AssetConditionSurveyResponses.AssetIdentifier | The Asset identifier from the list of assets from any Read Task output |
AssetConditionSurveyResponses.OperationalCondition | Text response from any of the Asset Condition group from the Asset Reference List output |
AssetConditionSurveyResponses.VisualCondition | Text response from any of the Asset Condition group from the Asset Reference List output |
AssetConditionSurveyResponses.ConditionNotes | Any notes to go along with the Condition updates |
If the Task Resolution Cause or Remedy feature has been turned on and the data hasn't been supplied, the request will be rejected with a broken rule.
Request Examples
Minimum Request
The following request is the minimum required to change a task's status. Note that individual tenants may have varying requirements for the TaskCompliance and AssetDowntime properties.
"StatusName": "Contractor Complete",
"StatusChangeDateTimeUtc": "2021-05-25T13:53:30.1247961Z",
"TaskCompliance": [],
"AssetDowntime": null
Full Request
The following request shows all properties that can be used to change the status of a task via the REST api.
"StatusName": "Contractor Complete",
"StatusChangeDateTimeUtc": "2021-05-25T13:53:30.1247961Z",
"Note": "Broken pipe to water egress",
"TaskCompliance": [
"Name": "TC_Clean",
"Answer": true
"Name": "TC_SignOut",
"Answer": true
"AssetDowntime": {
"Reason": "Asset breakdown",
"ReasonNote": "Broken pipe to water egress",
"WorkingOnArrival": false,
"IsAssetBackUp": true
"TaskResolutionCause": {
"MatrixItemCode": "01-01",
"Notes": "Test Cause Note"
"TaskResolutionRemedy": {
"MatrixItemCode": "01-02",
"Notes": "Test Remedy Note"
Read Task
GET /tasks/{tasktype}/{tenant}/{taskreference}
This method allows you to return the full details of a single Task within the system. The tasktype variable is one of either Reactive or Scheduled.
Details on each of the properties that can be returned when reading a task via the REST API
Path | Notes |
DateTimeModifiedUtc | The date and time of the last modification to the task |
TaskIdentifier | The GUID representing the task. Unique across the platform |
TaskReference | Integer representing the task. Unique to the tenant |
Tenant | Name of the tenant |
ExternalIdentifier | Identifier assigned to the task by the associated supplier |
InitiatorName | Name of the person or system creating the task |
Description | Free text description of the task |
Matrix | Properties relating to the matrix item associated with the task |
Matrix.Name | The name of the matrix |
Matrix.Code | The code of the matrix item, unique to the tenant |
Matrix.Text | The full text of the matrix item, unique to the tenant. For reactive tasks this categorises the problem. For scheduled tasks it is a general category |
Chargeability | Indicates whether the task is chargeable or not. While tenants can have their own values, this is typically Chargeable or Contract |
Workflow | The name of the workflow associated with the task. See Workflows for more info. |
Type | The type of the task, either Reactive or Scheduled |
Supplier | Information about the supplier currently assigned to the task |
Supplier.Name | The name of the supplier currently assigned to the task. |
Supplier.Code | The tenant's unique code for referencing the supplier. |
Status | Information about the status of the task. See Workflows for more info |
Status.Name | The name of the current status of the task. |
Status.Type | The type of status, either New, Open, Closed or Cancelled |
Status.Destinations[] | A list of strings that the task can be moved into from the current status. |
Status.History | Information about the status history of the task |
Status.History[].Name | The name of the status |
Status.History[].Type | The type of the status, either New, Open, Closed or Cancelled |
Status.History[].DateTimeUtc | The date and time that the task was moved into the status. |
Site | Information about the Site associated with the task. See Sites for more information |
Site.Name | The name of the site |
Site.Code | The tenant's unique code referencing the site |
Notes[] | An array of notes associated with the task |
Notes[].Identifier | The GUID representing the note. Unique across the platform |
Notes[].Text | The text of the note |
Notes[].DateTimeCreatedUtc | The date and time that the note was created |
Notes[].Author | The name of the note's author |
Assets[] | Information about the assets associated with the task. |
Assets[].AssetTag | The asset's tag number. If not empty should be unique to the teannt. |
Assets[].SerialNumber | The asset's serial number |
Assets[].Model | The model of the asset |
Assets[].Manufacturer | The manufacturer of the asset |
Assets[].Description | The free text description of the asset |
Assets[].Location | The location of the asset |
Assets[].LocationDetail | Free text location of the asset |
Assets[].Category | Category of the asset |
Assets[].AssetIdentifier | The GUID representing the asset. Unique across the platform |
Assets[].MatrixItemCode | The asset's matrix item code that categorises it. Unique to the tenant. See Matrix for more info. |
AssetDowntimeInHours | The amount of time in Hours any Assets assigned to the task have been down for. Combined with AssetDowntimeInMinutes to give an overall hh:mm total |
AssetDowntimeInMinutes | The amount of time in Minutes any Assets assigned to the task have been down for. Combined with AssetDowntimeInMinutes to give an overall hh:mm total |
CustomFields[] | Information about the custom fields associated with the task. See Custom Fields for more info. |
CustomFields[].Answer | The current answer for the custom field |
CustomFields[].DataType | The data type for the custom field, see Custom Fields for more info. |
CustomFields[].Name | The name of the custom field. Unique to the tenant |
CustomFields[].Parent | The name of the parent field (if any) for the custom field. |
CustomFields[].Text | The text that was displayed to the user when they answered the custom field. |
Documents[] | Information about the documents associated with the task. See Documents for more info. |
Documents[].DocumentIdentifier | The GUID representing the document. Unique across the platform and used to download the document. |
Documents[].ByteSize | The size of the document in bytes |
Documents[].Filename | The name of the file when it was uploaded |
Documents[].MimeType | The mime type of the document that was detected when it was uploaded |
Reactive | Properties that are specific to Reactive tasks. Populated when the Type property is Reactive |
Reactive.ServiceLevel | Information about the service level associated with the task |
Reactive.ServiceLevel.Name | The name of the service level. Service levels have a Respond component, a Complete component or both components. |
Reactive.ServiceLevel.RespondByDateTimeUtc | The date and time that the supplier must respond to the task by. This varies per tenant and workflow but is usually a status where the technician would be on site |
Reactive.ServiceLevel.CompleteByDateTimeUtc | The date and time that the supplier must complete the task by. This varies per tenant and workflow but is usually a status where the technician has completed the work required of them |
Reactive.ServiceLevel.IsRespondOverdue | Boolean that determines if the respond component has been breached |
Reactive.ServiceLevel.IsCompleteOverdue | Boolean that determines if the complete component has been breached |
Scheduled | Properties that are specific to Scheduled tasks. Populated when the Type property is Scheduled |
Scheduled.Template | Information about the template, which is the top level of the scheduled task. Template > Instruction Set > Instructions |
Scheduled.Template.Category | The category of the template |
Scheduled.Template.Name | The name of the template. |
Scheduled.InstructionSet | Information about the instruction set that groups the instructions together |
Scheduled.InstructionSet.Name | The name of the instruction set |
Scheduled.Instructions[] | An array of instructions to carry out to complete the task |
Scheduled.Instructions[].AssetIdentifiers[] | An array of Asset Identifiers associated with the instruction. These are individually inspected or serviced |
Scheduled.Instructions[].Costs | Information about the typically costs incurred by the tenant in when this scheduled task is completed |
Scheduled.Instructions[].Costs.Labour | Labour Costs |
Scheduled.Instructions[].Costs.Materials | Material Costs |
Scheduled.Instructions[].Costs.Other | Other Costs |
Scheduled.Instructions[].Costs.Travel | Travel Costs |
Scheduled.Instructions[].Duration | Duration that the task should typically take. In decimal hours |
Scheduled.Instructions[].Matrix | Information about the matrix item that categorises this instruction. See Matrix for more info. |
Scheduled.Instructions[].Matrix.Code | The matrix item code that categorises this instruction |
Scheduled.Instructions[].Matrix.Name | The name of the matrix that categorises this instructiom |
Scheduled.Instructions[].Matrix.Text | The full text of the matrix item that categorises this instruction |
Scheduled.Instructions[].Name | The name of the instruction |
Scheduled.Instructions[].ResponseList | Information about the response you can make to the task when completing it. Usually an Activity list (Complete/Incomplete/Deferred) or an Inspection list (Pass/Fail/Deferred) but these are configurable per tenant. The list of available options can be found in the Read Task output in the Scheduled Task section. |
Scheduled.Instructions[].ResponseList.Name | The name of the response list |
Scheduled.Instructions[].ResponseList.Values[] | The list of possible values to use when responding to the task |
Scheduled.Instructions[].Text | The text of the instruction - details what the technician is expected to do. |
Scheduled.Window | Unlike reactive tasks, scheduled tasks have a defined start time, this property gives the valid "window" a task can be worked on. |
Scheduled.Window.EarlyAttendanceStartDateTimeUtc | If the client allows you to attend a task earlier than their actual selected Start Date then this value will have the absolute earliest you can attend and star this task. If NULL then the StartDateTimeUtc is used. (V36) |
Scheduled.Window.StartDateTimeUtc | The client selected date and time that the task cannot be started before, Early Attendance settings may allow you to attend earlier. |
Scheduled.Window.EndDateTimeUtc | The date and time that the task must be completed by |
DocumentCategories[] | List of document categories |
TaskResolutionCause[].Name | Matrix name of the Task Resolution Cause matrix item |
TaskResolutionCause[].Code | Code of the Task Resolution Cause matrix item |
TaskResolutionCause[].Text | Matrix line text of the Task Resolution Cause matrix item |
TaskResolutionRemedy[].Name | Matrix name of the Task Resolution Remedy matrix item |
TaskResolutionRemedy[].Code | Code of the Task Resolution Remedy matrix item |
TaskResolutionRemedy[].Text | Matrix line text of the Task Resolution Remedy matrix item |
PossibleTaskResolutionCauses[].Code | Code of the possible Task Resolution Cause matrix item |
PossibleTaskResolutionCauses[].Text | Text of the possible Task Resolution Cause matrix item |
PossibleTaskResolutionRemedies[].Code | Code of the possible Task Resolution Remedy matrix item |
PossibleTaskResolutionRemedies[].Text | Text of the possible Task Resolution Remedy matrix item |
Response Example
"DateTimeModifiedUtc": "2020-01-01T05:59:59",
"TaskIdentifier": "3E4F5568-B523-41E9-95D0-13A8C5E602B1",
"TaskReference": 123456,
"Tenant": "Urgent",
"ExternalIdentifier": null,
"InitiatorName": "Smith",
"Description": "One of the pumps has been broken due to a car running into it",
"Matrix": {
"Name": "Reactive",
"Code": "04-0A-01-05",
"Text": "Reactive > Fuel > Pumps > Broken"
"Chargeability": "Contract",
"Workflow": "Reactive",
"Type": "Reactive Tasks",
"Supplier": {
"Name": "Test Supplier 1",
"Code": "Test-001"
"Status": {
"Name": "Dispatched",
"Type": "Open",
"Destinations": [
"Controlled Release"
"History": [
"Name": "New",
"Type": "New",
"DateTimeUtc": "2020-01-01T05:59:59"
"Name": "Dispatched",
"Type": "Open",
"DateTimeUtc": "2020-01-01T05:59:59"
"Site": {
"Name": "Test Site (001)",
"SiteCode": "001"
"Notes": [],
"Assets": [{
"AssetTag": "TEST-01-01",
"SerialNumber": "SN-123456789",
"Model": "T-Model 01",
"Manufacturer": "Manufacturer 01",
"Description": "Test Assert for Examples",
"Location": "Forecourt",
"LocationDetail": null,
"Category": "Parts",
"AssetIdentifier": "845B3FB1-B4DA-493B-9B8E-281EC47BE6B7",
"MatrixItemCode": "01-11-06"
"AssetTag": "TEST-01-02",
"SerialNumber": "SN-987654321",
"Model": "T-Model 02",
"Manufacturer": "Manufacturer 01",
"Description": "Test Assert for Examples",
"Location": "Forecourt",
"LocationDetail": null,
"Category": "Parts",
"AssetIdentifier": "845B3FB1-B4DA-493B-9B8E-281EC47BE6B7",
"MatrixItemCode": "01-10-07"
"AssetDowntimeInHours": null,
"AssetDowntimeInMinutes": null,
"CustomFields": [
"Name": "CustomField1",
"Text": "Has the area been made safe?",
"Answer": false,
"DataType": "Boolean",
"Parent": null
"Name": "CustomField2",
"Text": "Please indicate the condition of the area on arrival",
"Answer": "",
"DataType": "Text",
"Parent": "CustomField1"
"Documents": [
"DocumentIdentifier": "3570537b-4a9c-482f-a12b-9e2e1489603d",
"ByteSize": 6291456,
"Filename": "photo1.jpg",
"MimeType": "image/jpeg"
"Reactive": {
"ServiceLevel": {
"Name": "Standard SLA",
"RespondByDateTimeUtc": "2020-01-01T05:59:59",
"CompleteByDateTimeUtc": "2020-01-04T06:59:59",
"IsRespondOverdue": false,
"IsCompleteOverdue": false
"Scheduled": {
"Template": null,
"InstructionSet": null,
"Instructions": null,
"Window": null
"DocumentCategories": [],
"TaskResolutionCause": null,
"TaskResolutionRemedy": null,
"PossibleTaskResolutionCauses": [],
"PossibleTaskResolutionRemedies": []
Search Tasks
POST /tasks/{tenant}/searches
When searching for tasks all properties are optional, but at least one must be supplied. Output is the same fields as Read Tasks example but with possible multiple results as a list.
Path | Notes |
Chargeabilities[] | A list of Chargeabilities to search for |
Dates | Date searches |
Dates.CreatedFromUtc | Tasks created on or after this date and time |
Dates.CreatedToUtc | Tasks created on or before this date and time |
Dates.ModifiedFromUtc | Tasks modified on or after this date and time |
Dates.ModifiedToUtc | Tasks modified on or before this date and time |
MatrixItemCodes[] | A list of reactive matrix item codes to search for. See Matrix for more info |
ServiceLevels[] | A list of service levels to search for |
SiteCodes[] | A list of site codes to search for. See Sites for more info. |
Statuses | Status Searches |
Statuses.Names[] | A list of status names to search for. See Workflows for more info. |
Statuses.Types[] | A list of status types to search for. Either New, Open, Closed or Cancelled |
SupplierNames[] | A list of Supplier Names to search for |
TaskReferences[] | A list of task references for search for |
TaskType | The type of task to search for, either reactive or scheduled |
Workflows[] | A list of workflow names to search for. |
IncludeHistoricalTasks | Boolean. After a certain amount of time, typically 90 days after completion, completed tasks are not returned in search results unless this flag is set to true. For open tasks and work in progress, this flag should be set to false for better performance. |
StartIndex | Zero-based pagination of tasks, a max of 100 results are returned at once. If no Start or End Index are supplied a single record will be returned. |
EndIndex | Zero-based pagination of tasks, a max of 100 results are returned at once. If no Start or End Index are supplied a single record will be returned. |
ScheduledTaskTemplateNames[] | A list of scheduled task template names to search for |
EligibleForInvoicing | Optional boolean (true/false or exclude from search terms) to limit the search results to only those Tasks Eligible for Invoicing |
Read Task Notes
GET /task/{tenant}/{identifier}/notes
This method returns the list of Notes logged against a Task.
Path | Notes |
Notes[] | A list of all notes visible to the user for the Task |
Notes[].NoteIdentifier | A GUID value identifying this specific note in the system. |
Notes[].Text | The note itself |
Notes[].DateTimeCreatedUtc | The date and time the Note was created in system in Coordinated Universal Time. |
Notes[].Author | Username of the author of the note. |
Read Task Status History
GET /task/{tenant}/{identifier}/history
This method returns the Status history of a Task.
Path | Notes |
History[] | A list of all Status values the Task has been through. |
History[].Name | The Status Name in the users local language |
History[].Type | The Status Type of either New, Open, Closed or Cancelled. |
History[].DateTimeCreatedUtc | The date and time the Note was created in system in Coordinated Universal Time. |
Add Task Quote
POST /task/{tenant}/{identifier}/quote
Quotes are submitted in a two-stage process from any status that is marked as IsEligibleForQuotation in the workflow. The AmountNet and Notes properties are mandatory, and if a document is to be uploaded then the metadata should be populated too.
The response object will then contain a DocumentIdentifier which should be used with the Document Actions to upload the actual document.
Path | Notes |
AmountNet | The value you want to add as the Quote as a two decimal places value |
Notes | Any notes you want to add alongside the quote |
FileMetadata[] | The meta data of any documents you want to upload alongside the quote. |
FileMetadata[].FileName | Document filename |
FileMetadata[].Bytesize | Document size in bytes |
FileMetadata[].Mimetype | Document Mimetype |
Response Examples
Failure Example
Indicates that the quote was not created.
"DocumentIdentifier": null,
"Messages": [
"Key": "BrokenRule_TaskQuote_InvalidAmount",
"Value": "The amount you supplied for the Quote is invalid"
Success Example (no document)
Indicates that the quote was successfully created.
"DocumentIdentifier": null,
"Messages": null
Success Example (with document)
Indicates that the quote was successfully created.
"DocumentIdentifier": "ABF372EC-10FC-416F-AF60-FEC7831A1BA8",
"Messages": null
Update Task Inspection
PUT /task/{tenant}/{identifier}/inspection
Scheduled Task Inspections can only be updated when the supplier user is on site, typically from an Attended or Arrived status. If the instruction has assets associated with it then you must provide a result for each one and are not required to provide one for the instruction as a whole.
Path | Notes |
Operation | The operation, either "skip" to skip the inspection, if the workflow allows, "draft" to save the inspection as a work in progress, or "submit" if it is final. Some inspections will not allow you to skip them. |
Instructions[] | List of Scheduled Task Instructions to update |
Instructions[].Name | The name of the scheduled task instruction you are inspecting |
Instructions[].Result | The result of the inspection for the instruction. |
Instructions[].RemedialTask | Information about a remedial task that should be created if the inspection fails. |
Instructions[].RemedialTask.MatrixItemCode | The reactive matrix item code that should be used for an remedial task |
Instructions[].Note | Any notes for the inspection |
Instructions[]Assets[] | The list of assets, if any, that should be inspected |
Instructions[].Assets[].AssetIdentifier | The GUID of the asset |
Instructions[].Assets[].Result | The result of the inspection for the instruction. |
Instructions[].Assets[].Note | Any notes for the inspection |
Response Examples
Failure Example
Indicates that the inspection was was not updated.
"Messages": [
"Key": "BrokenRule_TaskInspection_InvalidResult",
"Value": "The inspection result was not recognised"
Success Example
Indicates that the inspection was successfully updated.
"Messages": null
Add Note
POST /task/{tenant}/{identifier}/notes
Adding a note to a task is simple. These notes go alongside the Swagger documentation.
Path | Notes |
Note | The note you wish to add |
Response Examples
Success Example
"NoteIdentifier": "fbfa1dcf-ce9e-41e4-a4ea-9182a08a9925",
"Messages": null
Failure Example
"NoteIdentifier": null,
"Messages": [{
"Key": "BrokenRule_Section_Item_RuleKey",
"Value": "The item failed the rule in the section"
Change Task Service Level
PUT /task/{tenant}/{identifier}/servicelevel
This method allows the user to update the Service Level Agreement or SLA of a give Task.
Property | Notes |
ServiceLevel | The name of the Service Level that you want to associate the task with. |
RecalculationType | The name of the recalculation type to be used when calculating the Service Level for the task. The options available are Default, FromDateCreatedAndSlaTimeUsed, FromDateCreated, FromNow, FromDispatchDate and FromStatusDateAndSlaTimeUsed. |
Response Examples
Success Example
"Messages": null
Failure Example
"Messages": [{
"Key": "BrokenRule_Section_Item_RuleKey",
"Value": "The item failed the rule in the section"
Change Task Supplier
PUT /task/{tenant}/{identifier}/supplier
This method allows the user to change the Supplier assigned to complete the Task.
Property | Notes |
Supplier | The name of the Supplier that you want to assign to the task. |
Response Examples
Success Example
"Messages": null
Failure Example
"Messages": [{
"Key": "BrokenRule_Section_Item_RuleKey",
"Value": "The item failed the rule in the section"
Chase Task
POST /task/{tenant}/{identifier}/chase
This method allows a user to Chase a task if the Supplier is behind in dealing with it.
Property | Notes |
Note | Any notes you wish to add to the Chase request. |
Response Examples
Success Example
"Messages": null
Failure Example
"Messages": [{
"Key": "BrokenRule_Incident_CannotBeChasedKey",
"Value": "This Task cannot be chased at this time"
Update Task Purchase Order
PUT /task/{tenant}/{identifier}/purchaseorder
This method allows you to update the purchase order of a given task. Optionally, via a tenant setting, this will also update the purchase order of the associated invoice
Property | Notes |
PurchaseOrderNumber | The new purchase order number. To remove a purchase order number from a task this property should be submitted as blank |
Request Example
"PurchaseOrderNumber" : "TCN-12345"