Usage Guide - TechnicallyCoded/SkywarsReloadedWiki GitHub Wiki

For the players

To join a game:

  • Select the item on your hotbar and right click
  • Run the command /sw join (sw.join)
  • Click on a lobby sign
  • Click on a NPC

To leave a game:

  • Click on the leave item in your inventory if the game has not started yet or you are a spectator
  • Use the command /sw quit (sw.quit)

For the staff

Useful tips

  • You can start a game manually using /sw start (sw.start)

Creating the lobby

Set the skywars lobby:

  • Set the lobby in an existing world using /sw setspawn (sw.setspawn)
  • (Warning! This world must be loaded before the plugin is loaded on start. Make sure that the world is the default world for the server or that it is correctly imported into MultiverseCore) Add a way for players to join the games:
  • Make sure join items are enabled in the config.yml file
  • Make sure players have the permission to run /sw join
  • Add a sign in the lobby (replace <name> by the name of the arena) - 1st line [sw] - 2nd line <name>
  • (If you have the SkywarsExtension) Create an NPC to join an arena

Creating maps

You can open a world/arena to be edited in any of the following ways:

  • By creating a new map - /swm create <name> Will create a new world from scratch in a void biome and open it in edit mode
  • Editing an existing arena - /swm edit <name> Will open an existing world that is already known to the plugin in edit mode
  • Importing a world - /swm legacyload <name> (chests will be added automatically) - Will look for a folder with the name provided in the base folder of the minecraft server. If it is found it will attempt to import the world as an arena.

Creating kits

(Coming soon)

Creating cages

(Coming soon)

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