3rd Party Integrations - TechnicallyCoded/SkywarsReloadedWiki GitHub Wiki


The SkywarsReloaded plugin offers the following placeholders (this requires the PlaceholderAPI and a plugin compatible with PAPI)

  • %swr_elo% - The ELO of the player
  • %swr_wins% - The number of wins for the player
  • %swr_losses% - The number of losses for the player
  • %swr_kills% - The number of kills for the player
  • %swr_deaths% - The number of deaths for the player
  • %swr_xp% - The experience level of the player
  • %swr_games_played% - The number of games played by the player
  • %swr_games% - The number of games played by the player
  • %swr_kill_death% - The Kill/Death ratio of the player
  • %swr_win_loss% - The Win/Loss ratio of the player

Other Integrations

  • Vault
    • Make sure to enable the economy economyEnabled: true (in config.yml)
    • Set the amount for winning ecoForWin: <amount> (in config.yml)
    • Set the amount for getting a kill ecoForKill: <amount> (in config.yml)
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