Town Hall GUI - TechStack/TS-RTS GitHub Wiki

The Town Hall GUI

Town Hall Gui - Economy Screen

Welcome to where you'll spend a lot of your time during an RTSCraft match! Different groups and actions are sorted on individual tabs at the top. If you hover over each tab, you can see the name for that group. The initial view when pulling up the GUI is the "Resource Production" tab (shown above). Here, you can see all the resource-related buildings you can buy, and what their prices are.

Note that if you can't afford a certain option, it will have a red number for the insufficient resource. This is true for each tab in the GUI. Red number = Insufficient Amount.

[picture of the troop tab]

The next tab has all the troop production buildings. Some buildings are locked behind research (noted by a little padlock icon on the button). You'll have to build a research center and complete the specific research to unlock them.

[picture of the misc tab]

The miscellaneous tab has all other buildings. These include walls, watchtowers, the armory, and the ever-important research center!

[picture of the units tab]

The units tab is where you can recruit any troops currently available to you (make sure you've completed the necessary research and have the buildings required). Just like all the buildings tabs show the resource costs and whether you have enough reserves to purchase (green/red text), the units tabs also shows all troops costs. Troops only cost resources at the time of recruitment. There is no upkeep.

To recruit multiple troops, click the unit button desired however many times you want. One click equal one recruitment. For more advanced usage like recurring recruitment, check out the Options Tab below.

[picture of the research tab]

The research tab certainly looks different than the others. Here, you can see the full tech tree available, and the research status of each technology. Hovering over each icon will tell you the costs (again highlighting red/green), and what it unlocks. A padlock over the icon means it's not available yet, a green check means the research is complete, and a vial means the tech is being researched.

Take a few minutes to study this. Research has costs and requires a long time to complete! In general, you'll want to get started on your technology early, and use multiple research centers (3 or more) as soon as practical. When a technology is being researched, you see the name pop up in the bottom right of your screen, with a progress bar.

[picture of the options tab]

This tab contains some important recruitment options. Each recruitment type (archery range, barracks, and stables) can be flipped into "infinite mode." When this mode is turned on, the current unit queue will be repeated indefinitely. If you don't have the resources to continue, the game will let you know if you have insufficient resources, and move to the next unit in the queue.

These recruit options are very helpful for gathering large armies over time!