Helpful Commands - TechDragon9/SEC440-01-Tech-Journal GitHub Wiki
Vyos commands
configure - enters vyos configure mode. Allows for editing of the system settings such as firewall rules and interface IP Addresses.
show - shows information such as the system settings, interface settings and firewall settings.
show firewall - shows firewall information.
set - sets information to the system. Only works in configure mode and does need to be specified (set firewall, set interface).
commit - commits changes made in configure mode and "soft" saves them (changes are saved, but not necessarily put into effect).
save - saves any and all changes made, even adding said changes to boot up configuration (when the machine turns on).
exit - exits configure mode.
Linux/xUbuntu commands
cd - change directory. Must have path to the desired directory/location.
ls - list files and documents in directory.
man - manual. Loads the manual of a command to show and explain how command works and is used.