Session - TechAle/salc1-data-mining GitHub Wiki
Login Logout
First and last login: SalC1
First and last logout: spit4520 (this is a coincidence i know)
During the last logout, with spit (that is the last registred logout), also 3 people logged out at the same time:
- CactusDuper
- WittleRain
- mcrcortex
Time spent on the server not afk
Total time spent from everyone not afk: 7886492.65 minutes, that is 5476.73 days, or 15.01 years
Classification of most time spent in 1 session:
Classification of time spent overall:
Time spent afk
Total time spent from everyone 794414.11 minutes, that is 551.68 days, that is 1.51 years
Classification of most time spent in 1 session:
Classification of time spent afk overall:
People have died a total of 394691 times.
Classification for most deaths in 1 session:
Classification most deaths:
Mobs Killed
People have killed a total of 1298099 animals.
Classification for who had a bad day so decided to kill everything he saw:
Classification of who like killing poor animals:
Time Spent
People have spent online a total of 8680906.77 minutes, that is 6028,406944 days or 16,51 years
Classification of most time spent in 1 session:
Classification of time spent:
full datasets:
Mobs killed 1 session
Mobs killed
Afk time in 1 session
Afk Time
Deaths 1 session
Time spent not afk during 1 session
Time spent not afk
Time Spent 1 session
Time Spent