Style Sheet - TecProgFGA-G10/postWar GitHub Wiki

Naming Conventions

  • Function names must to be verbs.
  • Variable and constant names must to be nouns.
  • Constant and variable names must follow the pattern underscore_case.
  • Variable names must be written on lower case.
int lives_left = 0;
  • Constant names must be in capital letters.
int const NUMBER_OF_LIVES = 3;
  • Variable, function and class names must be clear, unambiguous, and descriptive. Avoid abbreviations.
  • All variables and constants must be declared one at a time so that a comment on the meaning of the variable can be provided.
int lives_left = 0; /* player's remaining lives */
double total_distance = 0; /* player’s total distance traveled */
  • All functions that return a bool should ask a true/false question, such as "is_visible()", or "should_clear_buffer()".
  • Functions that return a value must describe the return value; the name must make clear what value the function will return. This is particularly important for boolean functions.
bool check_value(int value) {...} /* what does true mean? */
bool is_value_not_null(FTea Tea) {...} /* name makes it clear true means value is not null */
  • Only control variables can be named with just one letter. In these cases the letters “i” and “j” are recommended.
for (int i = 0; i <= lives_left; i++) {
    /* nothing to do */
  • In vector and string names, must not have space between the variable name and the brackets; between the brackets and the inside numbers; and between the brackets.
int matrix[5][5] = 0;
  • Do not use hungarian notation.
char any_msg;
int i_nbr;


  • Remember that comments should augment the code. The code documents the implementation and the comments document the intent. Make sure to update comments when you change the intent of a piece of code.
  • The style for comments is the C89 "/* ... */" style. Don't use C99-style "// ..." comments.
  • The single-line comments should iniciate with lowercase letter. Exceptions are allowed, but avoid them if there is no good reason to.
/* this is a single-line comment */
  • The preferred style for long (multi-line) comments is:
 * This is the preferred style for multi-line
 * comments in the source code.
 * Please use it consistently.
 * Description:  A column of asterisks on the left side,
 * with beginning and ending almost-blank lines.


  • Write self-documenting code.
/* Bad: */
t = s + l + b;

/* Good: */
total_leaves = small_leaves + large_leaves - small_and_large_leaves;
  • Write useful comments.
 * Bad:
 * increment leaves
leaves = leaves + 1;

 * Good:
 * we know there is another tea leaf
leaves = leaves + 1;
  • Do not comment bad code - rewrite it.
 * Bad:
 * total number of leaves is sum of
 * small and large leaves less the
 * number of leaves that are both
t = s + l + b;

/* Good: */
total_leaves = small_leaves + large_leaves - small_and_large_leaves;
  • Do not contradict the code.
 * Bad:
 * never increment leaves!
leaves = leaves + 1;

 * Good:
 * we know there is another tea leaf
leaves = leaves + 1;

Code Formatting


  • Do not use spaces after function names.
/* this is the wrong manner */
funcao (an_parameter, another_parameter);

/* this is the correct manner */
funcao(a_parameter, another_parameter);
  • Use a space after these keywords: if, switch, case, for, do, while.

  • Do not use space after keyword that look somewhat like functions. E.g.: sizeof, typeof, alignof, or _attribute_.

  • Do not add spaces around (inside) parenthesized expressions.

/* the wrong manner */
s = sizeof( struct file );

/* the correct manner */
s = sizeof(struct file);
  • When declaring pointer data or a function that returns a pointer type, the preferred use of '*' is adjacent to the data name or function name and not adjacent to the type name.
/* correct pointer data declaration */
int *a_variable = NULL;

/* incorrect pointer data declarations */
int* another_variable
int * still_another_variable
  • Use one space around (on each side of) most binary and ternary operators.
 * Some binary and ternary operators:
 *        =  +  -  <  >  *  /  %  |  &  ^  <=  >=  ==  !=  ?
  • Spaces can not be used after the unary operators.
 * Some unary operators:
 *        &  *  +  -  ~  !  sizeof  typeof  alignof  __attribute__  defined
  • Spaces can not be used before the postfix/prefix increment and decrement unary operators.
/* the wrong manners *\
i ++;
i --;
++ 1;
-- 1;

/* the correct manners *\
  • Spaces can not be used around the "." and "->" structure member operators.

Braces { }

  • When using braces, put the opening brace last on the line with a space before, and put the closing brace first. This applies to all non-function statement blocks (if, switch, for, while, do).
if (condition) {
    /* block code ommited */
  • There is one special case, namely functions: they have the opening brace at the beginning of the next line.
int function(int parameter)
    /* body of function */
  • Do not leave trailing whitespace at the ends of lines.


  • Always use braces even if will have just a single statement.
if (payment <= AVERAGE_PAYMENT) {
    payment_bonus = payment * 0.10;
else {
    payment_bonus = payment * 0.05;
  • A multi-way if statement should be indented with each else if indented the same amount as the first if.
if (condition) {
    /* block code ommited */
else if (another_condition) {
    /* block code ommited */
else {
    /* block code ommited */


  • Indent code by execution block.
  • Use tabs, not spaces, for whitespace at the beginning of a line. Set your tab size to 4 characters. However, spaces are sometimes necessary and allowed for keeping code aligned regardless of the number of spaces in a tab; e.g. when aligning code following non-tab characters.

Switch Statements

  • Must be used the double-indenting in the case labels.
  • Except for empty cases (multiple cases having identical code), switch case statements should explicitly label that a case falls through to the next case. Either include a break or a falls-through comment in each case. Other code control-transfer commands (return, continue, etc.) are fine as well.
  • Always have a default case, and include a break within.
switch (condition) {
    case 1:
        // falls through
    case 2:
    case 3:
    case 4:
    case 5:

General Style Issues

  • Do not use magic numbers. Declare a constant to be used instead of a number.`
const int unsigned MONTHS_QUANTITY = 12;
for (i = 0; i < MONTHS_QUANTITY ; i++) {
    anual_salary = anual_salary + salary;
  • All variables must be initialized when declared, making clear their intention, even when the valor is changed after. The initial valor should be zero or null.
int lives_left = 0;
char player_name[SIZE_TEXT_FIELD] = {};
  • Minimize dependency distance. When code depends on a variable having a certain value, try to set that variable's value right before using it.
for (int i = 0; i <= [10]; i++) {
    int number = 0; /* value setted only for initialization */

    printf(“Type a number: ”);
    scanf(“%d”, &number);
  • Prefer to use constants and variables locals instead of global ones.
  • When declaring a variable or constant, always write a comment which specifies the unity of measure used.
const double WALL_HEIGHT = 3.14; /* width in meters */
  • When a method receives one variable that will not be changed, this must be declared as constant.
double const PAYMENT;
  • Wherever the variable will not assume negative values, it must be declared as unsigned.
int unsigned age = 1;
  • Split methods into sub-methods where possible.
  • In function declarations or function call sites, do not add a space between the function's name and the parentheses that precedes the argument list.
  • Address compiler warnings. Compiler warning messages mean something is not as it should be. Fix what the compiler is complaining about.
  • Leave a blank line at the end of the file. All .c and .h files should include a blank line to play nice with gcc.
  • Enforce encapsulation with the protection keywords. Class members should be declared private unless they are part of the public interface to the class.
  • Use const wherever possible. Particularly on reference parameters and class methods. const is documentation as much as it is a compiler directive.
  • Use intermediate variables to simplify complicated expressions. If you have a complicated expression, it can be easier to understand if you split it into sub-expressions that are assigned to intermediate variables with names describing the meaning of the sub-expression within the parent expression.
/* Bháskara */
/* Delta calculation */
double delta = pow(primary_term) ­ 4 * quadratic_term * independent_term;

/* x’ calculation */
double x1 =primary_term + sqrt(delta)) /
(2 * quadratic_term/* x’’ calculation */
double x2 =primary_term ­ sqrt(delta)) /
(2 * quadratic_term
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️