Setting and Story - TeaylThorn/HighwynnGame GitHub Wiki

  • Welcome to the world of Highwynn, a game that is set in a fantasy world where Light and Dark is in equal balance, until one decides that it is time to change...

  • The main character is a young dragon who's goal is to bring back that balance through finding relics and shrines to unlock the final battle against the God of Darkness and to free the Gods of Light

  • On this journey, our young dragon has a companion that is a shard of light that is there to help aid and illuminate where it can

"In the world of Highwynn, everything is peaceful and right. The Gods of light raise the sun and moon, bringing life and warmth to those that need it, and Darkness is there in the shadows, welcoming those whose time has come to pass and giving life to those that weaken in the light. But Darkness is jealous of the love that the Gods of Light have from the creatures of the world, and wants it for his own... One day, in a fit of rage, Darkness battles the other Gods and wins, banishing the forms of the sun and moon to another realm and sealing them there...

Without the Gods of light, there was no one to raise the sun and moon, so they hang in the sky in a state of limbo whilst Darkness’s power continues to grow and spread throughout the world, corrupting those that needed light, into dark misshapen creatures that could no longer think for themselves. All but a few creatures changed when the land went dark, one of those creatures is a young elemental dragon. Who, on its journey of trying to discover what went wrong with the world, created a friend in a Wisp who lights the way. The two would face many challenges on the way, facing the corrupt animals of Darkness, discovering artefacts and secrets.

Until... finally, they meet the God himself...

Can they free the Gods of Light and bring order back to their world? Or will they be stuck in a world that lacks the life it once had..."

Current updates to the story can be found on the Google Doc here(