git bash instructions - TeamRedactedGroup/References GitHub Wiki



cd (windows directory path, e.g. C:\User\Documents\ProjectFolder) //makes ProjectFolder the current directory. This should be the folder you wish to upload from.

git init //initializes the current directory as a git repository

git add . //adds all files in the current initialized directory to the staging area //. tells git to include all items in the folder

git status //lists all files in the staging area, ready to be committed

git commit -m "message" //creates a new commit containing all selected files //ready to be pushed to github //-m means message

git log //shows commit history

git remote add (remote repo name; usually origin) (remote repo location; copy from github repo) //tells git that you want to save to a remote repo //tells git a name and location for remote repo

git push (remote repo name) (which branch to push) //uploads commit to github