Casting Basin - TeamOpenIndustry/ImmersiveRailroading GitHub Wiki


The Basin creates different parts for rolling stock, specifically wheels and frames, as well as the Rail Cast for use with the Track Roller. The Gauge selector changes between gauges.


It is built from:

  • 114 x Stone Bricks
  • 15 x Heavy Engineering Block
  • 126 x Sand
  • 86 x Blast Brick
  • 63 x Steel Scaffolding
  • 1 x Block of Steel

The Basin before assembly

Power is input through the top of the machine, on the color-coded yellow/orange block.


To create a selected part, drop Steel Blocks or Steel Ingots into the Basin and make sure it has power. The part will be created in short order - right-click on the Basin to retrieve the part.

Parts made in the casting basin can be recycled by dropping them back into the basin