User Stories and Product Backlog - TeamNotFound-group-cmput404-project/project GitHub Wiki

** User Stories

  • As an author I want to make public posts. !!!
  • As an author I want to edit public posts. ?
  • As an author, posts I create can link to images.
  • As an author, posts I create can be images.!
  • As a server admin, images can be hosted on my server.!
  • As an author, posts I create can be private to another author
  • As an author, posts I create can be private to my friends!
  • As an author, I can share other author's public posts
  • As an author, I can re-share other author's friend posts to my friends
  • As an author, posts I make can be in simple plain text!
  • As an author, posts I make can be in CommonMark
  • As an author, I want a consistent identity per server
  • As a server admin, I want to host multiple authors on my server!
  • As a server admin, I want to share public images with users on other servers.
  • As an author, I want to pull in my github activity to my "stream"
  • As an author, I want to post posts to my "stream"
  • As an author, I want to delete my own public posts.?
  • As an author, I want to befriend local authors
  • As an author, I want to befriend remote authors
  • As an author, I want to feel safe about sharing images and posts with my friends -- images shared to friends should only be visible to friends. [public images are public]
  • As an author, when someone sends me a friends only-post I want to see the likes.?
  • As an author, comments on friend posts are private only to me the original author.?
  • As an author, I want un-befriend local and remote authors
  • As an author, I want to be able to use my web-browser to manage my profile !
  • As an author, I want to be able to use my web-browser to manage/author my posts!
  • As a server admin, I want to be able add, modify, and remove authors.!
  • As a server admin, I want to OPTIONALLY be able allow users to sign up but require my OK to finally be on my server!
  • As a server admin, I don't want to do heavy setup to get the posts of my author's friends.
  • As a server admin, I want a restful interface for most operations???????????????
  • As an author, other authors cannot modify my public post !
  • As an author, other authors cannot modify my shared to friends post.!
  • As an author, I want to comment on posts that I can access!
  • As an author, I want to like posts that I can access!
  • As an author, my server will know about my friends?
  • As an author, When I befriend someone it follows them, only when the other authors befriends me do I count as a real friend.?
  • As an author, I want to know if I have friend requests.
  • As an author I should be able to browse the public posts of everyone!
  • As a server admin, I want to be able to add nodes to share with?????????????????????
  • As a server admin, I want to be able to remove nodes and stop sharing with them.????????????????????????
  • As a server admin, I can limit nodes connecting to me via authentication.
  • As a server admin, node to node connections can be authenticated with HTTP Basic Auth
  • As a server admin, I can disable the node to node interfaces for connections that are not authenticated!
  • As an author, I want to be able to make posts that are unlisted, that are publicly shareable by URI alone (or for embedding images)