Code Explanation - TeamHYME/HYME GitHub Wiki

Code explanation for HYME(for Java class)

  1. database(folder with Java files) : It contains information of users, meetings, and contexts of speech.

  2. ConferenceInfo : Current information of conference(title & memebers) are saved temporally in this class.

  3. CreateRoomActivity : Class for creating the meeting room.

  4. GoogleCredentialInterceptor : Use for GoogleCloudSpeechAPI.

  5. LogActivity : Class for meeting log.

  6. LogList : Update the list of speech information(type of speech, speaker, and context of speech).

  7. LoginActivity : Class for login screen.

  8. MainActiviy : The first main screen when open the app. It uses timer to move to login screen.

  9. ParticipantActivity : Class for showing participants.

  10. ParticipantCreateList : List for creating participant in meeting.

  11. ParticipantList : List of participants that join current meeting.

  12. RoomList : Update the list of meeting rooms(title, members, time, and date).

  13. SpeechAPI : API for GoogleCloudSpeech.

  14. SpeechActivity : Class for converting speech to text, show expected type of speech, and save the context of speech.

  15. SpeechAlgorithm : It predicts the type of speech by certain words or patterns.

  16. SpeechDetailActivity : Class for detail of speech that user touched in the meeting log.

  17. UserInfo : Information of current user(when loggin).

  18. VoiceRecorder : API for GoogleCloudSpeech.