System Analysis - TeamGroup-Org/CS2263_Project1 GitHub Wiki

Use Cases


UC01 - Beginning the Game

Actors System Response
1) All players take $6000
2) Remaining money is sent to the stock market tray
2) All players draw a tile and place them on the board
3) System determines which player's drawn tile is closest to 1A
5) All players draw 6 tiles and keep them secret
6) The player who was closest to 1A in step 3 takes the first turn

Playing A Tile

UC02 - Tile Played to Found Corporation

Actors System Response
1) Player sets a tile on the board adjacent to any existing unincorporated tile, and there are fewer than 8 corporations on the board (rule 7)
2) That player selects an available corporation marker and lays it across the two tiles.
3) Player is issued a founder's bonus stock of that corporation unless there are no stock of the corporation remaining as in rule 6

UC03 - Tile Played Between Two Corporations

Actors System Response
1) Mergemaker Decides on surviving corporation
2) System causes surviving corporation to absorb defunct corporation
3) System removes building marker of defunct corporation and returns it to tray
4) Hold stock
5) System records stock being held
6) Sell stock
7) System deducts stock from player
8) System pays player for each stock according to number of tiles in defunct corporation before merger.
9) Trade Stock
10) For every 2 defunct stock cards traded in, system provides 1 stock of surviving corporation


Rules - Playing a Tile
Rule 1 Corporations with 11 or more tiles are considered safe and cannot be absorbed in a merger.
Rule 2 During a merger, merging tiles do not add size to any corporation for any purpose.
Rule 3 Safe corporations can absorb smaller corporations, but two safe corporations cannot merge.
Rule 4 To determine bonus amount, find defunct. corporation's name on an info card, then look to number of tiles in defunct corporation. Then look to majority and minority bonus amounts.
Rule 5 Every player, starting in the order of the mergemaker, is given the opportunity to hold, sell, or trade stocks. Players can select more than one option per turn.
Rule 6 There are 25 stocks for each corporation. When all 25 have been taken, no more can be purchased or issued as a founder's bonus.
Rule 7 Only 8 corporations may be on the board at once. If all 8 corporations are on the board, new corporations may be founded once a merger takes place, removing a corporation marker from the board.

Buying Stocks

UC04 - Purchasing Stock

Actors Actions System Response
1) Player One has finishes legally placing a tile and resolves tile actions
2) Player One requests between 1 and 3 stock of any combination of corporations. If the player does not wish to purchase stock, the use case exits
3) The system determines current stock prices by consulting the information card per rule 1 and returns the total price of the transaction. If there is not enough stock of a given corporation to fulfill Player One's request per rule 3, print an appropriate message and return to step 2
4) Player One pays the total amount into the stock market tray. If Player One lacks sufficient funding per rule 5, no stock is issued and the use case exits
4) The system issues the requested stock to Player One


Rules - Buying Stock
Rule 1 Price per Share is determined by cross referencing the name of the corporation with the number of tiles in the corporation on any information card.
Rule 2 Between 0 and 3 stocks can be purchased on a single turn, split among as many types of stock as a player desires.
Rule 3 Money used to purchase stocks is paid into the stock market tray.
Rule 4 There are 25 stocks for each corporation. When all 25 have been sold, no more can be purchased.
Rule 5 A player with 0 money, or an insufficient amount of money cannot buy stocks.

Drawing a Tile

UC05 - Draw Tile

Actor System Response
1) Turn of any player ends
2) Player is automatically given a tile from the cluster
3) If player has any permanently unplayable tiles, these tiles are stored in a stack and the player is given an equal number of stored tiles from the cluster.

Ending the Game

UC06 - Game End

Actor System Response
1) All corporations are tested to be safe, or a corporation has 41 or more tiles on the gameboard. End game button is now available for selection.
2) Player selects end game button.
3) Game ends
4) All shareholder bonuses are paid out for all active corporations
5) All stocks are sold back to the stock market at current prices
6) Player with the most money wins the game