Maven && Git && (NetBeans || Eclipse) - TeamDewberry/jmxdatamart GitHub Wiki
##Maven & Netbeans
- Download: I strongly recommend getting Netbeans EE which is bundled with the most common SCM's (Git, SVN & Mecurial), Maven integration, and Tomcat server. Each component can be installed separately if you didn't have it yet, however that's outside of the scope of this tutorial. Let me know if you need help setting it up.
- Install it & run it.
- Select menu Team -> Git -> Clone
- Enter the git repo location
- Next, select your branch (right now there is only one branch, namely the master branch)
- Select the location for the local repo
- Wait for it to finish download. A new windows will pop up asking if you want to open it now. Select Open project.
- Select the whole project
- To commit changes, right click on the project, select Git -> Commit
- To push commits, right click on the project, select Git -> Remote -> Push
##Eclipse & Maven Note As far as I can tell, eclipse toolsets aren't strongly coupled as NetBeans'. There are a lot of different ways to do it, I don't claim to know them all, but all that I know are all broken in some way. It's almost magical, no, a divine intervention that the following method works together so well. It's a miracle. The following way was empirically proven to be least painful (contact me if you're curious about the experiment parameters & procedure details).
- Download: I strongly recommend the "Eclipse IDE for Java Developers" prepacked bundle. The Maven integration packs can be installed separately but again that's outside of this tutorial's scope. Let me know if you need help setting up.
- Unzip it & run it.
- Use command-interface Git or any other Git tool to clone/commit/push/etc your project.
- Select File -> Import... -> Maven -> Existing Maven projects ( WARNING resist your temptation, stray from this path at your own peril)
- Enter the local git repo folder. Click finish.
- Modify the code in your IDE, manage it in your Git tool. Contact me if you need help with Git or use dropbox as your SCM, or zip your code and email it to me, at this point I wouldn't hold that against you or use NetBeans