Progress Update - Team9019/Active GitHub Wiki

10/22/17 - Great Progress!

We have an autonomous!! And, we're only 6 weeks into the season. That's GREAT!!

Some observations/recommendations about the code:

With the Hardware declarations all pulled out into a separate java program, it is no longer necessary to have the commands within TeleOp. They can be replaced with calls to "robot." (This is not critical, but a suggestion.)

All the code in Autonomous after init HW and before wait for start could be moved to the Hardware program. That would keep the Autonomous code clean and ensure these commands get run regardless of which opmode is being run. (Again, this is not critical to operations, but a suggestion.)

The last code update for "IT MOVED" now shows in Git.

Next stop: Encoder Driving

You currently have a time based drive for hitting the jewel. It works, but ... since this movement will affect all other movements, it will be better if it is consistent. Maybe a 3" movement would do.?