Usage ‐ Data ‐ Fields - Team4388/RidgeScout GitHub Wiki

The field editor is self explanatory, letting users reorder the positions of each field in the menu, edit the default value, and add or remove fields from the data.

Usage - Data - Fields

This is the way to edit what data scouters are collecting. "Fields" refers to the list of types of input that scouters have access to. The app handles scouting data via an incremental versioning system, meaning each change to the fields are logged and data can be revived from previous versions.

When opening the fields menu, there are two options to select the different fields entered for both pit and match scouting.

The field editor is self explanatory, letting users reorder the positions of each field in the menu, edit the default value, and add or remove fields from the data.

When you edit the fields, or a single fields, make sure to select the save button every single time, or else it will not save. This is meant as a measure to prevent accidental changes to the fields.

For reference:

  • String = Text
  • String array = A list of text
  • Boolean = True or False value

Types of fields

When you edit the fields, or a single fields, make sure to select the save button every single time, or else it will not save. This is meant as a measure to prevent accidental changes to the fields.


A slider with discrete input Parameters:

  • Min: Number
  • Max: Number
  • Default value: Number

Simple text input Parameters:

  • Default value: String

A dropdown with possible options Parameters:

  • Options: String aray
  • Default option: Number (Note: this is the index of the array, which starts from zero)

A tally counter Parameters:

  • Default value: Number

A tally counter Parameters:

  • Default value: Number

Basic number input Parameters:

  • Default value: Number

A checkable box Parameters:

  • Default value: Boolean (Note: Enter 0 or 1 for false and true)
Field position

A single position on the field Parameters:

  • Default X: Number
  • Default Y: Number