Website Structure - Team3128/ GitHub Wiki

This guide explains the basic structure of files and folders in the website repository.

Jekyll Files/Folders


You don't need to worry about these files and folders just yet. Just know that they contain all the juicy, fancy stuff that our website needs to be an actual website. If you're curious as to what these do (or need to edit deep stuff), check out the Advanced Guide.

The _data folder

This folder contains a number of .yml files. If you look inside these .yml files, you'll see files that consist of varying lists (such as the list of members of our leadership team, robots we've built, awards we've won, etc). These files are formatted in a way that can be read by Jekyll, and they're used to generate the corresponding list pages on the website. To learn how to edit these files, check out the guide on Editing List Pages.

The assets folder

This folder contains all the pictures and graphics on our website. Whenever you need to change a picture or add a new one, make sure to add it to this folder (try to maintain a neat directory structure). To learn about the details of adding/removing images to the website, check out the Dealing with Photos/Graphics Guide.

All other folders and files

All the other folders and files in the website repository are the actual pages for the website. There are two filetypes for specifying pages: .html and .md.

html files are the standard format for writing webpages. To write an HTML, or HyperText Markup Language, file, you must follow a specified set of syntax rules for HTML. To learn HTML, you can check out W3Schools' HTML Tutorial.

md files, or Markdown Files, are a simplified format. Markdown is essentially plaintext, but with special ways to bold/italicise/underline, make bulleted and numbered lists, add photos and links, etc. To learn the basics of Markdown, check out this random Markdown tutorial I found online.

Pages that are grouped (like about pages and members pages) should all live under the directory with the name of the group. For instance, the about/ folder contains the following files:

- departments.html (/about/departments/)
- (/about/)
- (/about/mentors/)
- (/about/website/)
- (/about/first/)
- (/about/leaders/)
- (/about/robots)

Of the page files, there are essentially two types of pages: content pages and list pages. To learn how to edit both of these types of pages, check out the following two guides