Testing - Team1100/FRCDeepSpace GitHub Wiki


Robot Command Test Matrix

When a command has been tested, please move it from the Untested section to the Tested section.


  1. Uncategorized

    1. SwitchSides
    2. ToggleCommand
    3. Wait
  2. Auto

    1. Left_LeftRocket_2Hatches
    2. Middle_LeftRocket_2Hatches
    3. Middle_RightRocket
    4. Middle_RightRocket_2Hatch
    5. PathReader
    6. Right_RightRocket_2Hatches
  3. Claw

    1. AcquireBallFromIntake
    2. ClawAcquireBall
    3. CloseClawWhenSensed
    4. CloseOnBall
    5. DeployHatch
    6. LaunchBall
    7. PickupHatch
    8. PickupHatchHPS
    9. PickupHatchHPS_Vision
    10. PlaceHatch
    11. ScoreCargo
  4. Drive

    1. ChangeHeading
    2. MeasuredDrive
    3. TestLeftDrive
    4. TestRightDrive
  5. Elevator

    1. DefaultElevator
    2. ElevatorBottom
    3. ElevatorTop
    4. PIDElevator
    5. PIDElevatorL1
    6. PIDElevatorL2
    7. PIDElevatorL3
  6. Gantry

    1. CenterGantry - does not work
    2. GantryLeftLimit
    3. GantryRightLimit
    4. MoveGantryToCenter - does not work
    5. MoveToSetpoint
  7. Intake

    1. AcquireBall
    2. ClimbWhileIntake
    3. ClimbingIntakeDown
    4. IncrementIntakePower
    5. IntakeCargo
    6. IntakeDown
    7. IntakeUp
    8. ScoreCargo_RocketL1
    9. StopIntake
  8. Rollers

    1. MoveBallToChute
    2. PushBallOut
    3. RollersIn
    4. StopRollers
  9. Stilts

    1. BalanceStilts
    2. Climb
    3. JoystickClimb
    4. NonPIDClimb
    5. RaiseIntakeAndDrive
    6. RetractStilts
  10. Testing

    1. TestBothStilts
    2. TestLeftDrive
    3. TestLeftElevator
    4. TestLeftStilt
    5. TestRightDrive
    6. TestRightElevator
    7. TestRightStilt
    8. TestingStilts
  11. Vision

    1. AlignGantry
    2. CenterRobot
    3. DriveWhileCentered
    4. lateClawToCenter


  1. Uncategorized
  2. Auto
  3. Claw
    1. CloseClaw
    2. OpenClaw
    3. PullClawBack
    4. PushClawForward
  4. Drive
    1. DefaultDrive
  5. Elevator
  6. Gantry
    1. DefaultGantry
  7. Intake
    1. DefaultIntake
  8. Rollers
    1. DefaultRollers
  9. Stilts
  10. Testing
  11. Vision