User testing - Team-Swamp/CaptureGraafsmeer GitHub Wiki

How do we test?

We will go to the Watergraafsmeer and usertest there in person with some or all team members and some testers. Then we start at the clients office and walk the route in game. We will note imported stuff said by the testers and we record the phone screen with audio of the microfoon.

Then we will upload the video unlisted on YouTube. This will make it easier to show on this page what the feedback is/was. We are going to timestamp it and explain what we do with the feedback.

Imported stuff

  1. The usertesting is in Dutch because our team, the testers, and clients are Dutch or living in the Netherlands.
  2. The usertesting is in the Dutch capital, so the audio is not great.
  3. There is no face cam or filming of the users, because the game takes over the camera permisson in the game.


User 1

Full user test footage!

  1. "Oh, je moet draaien met je vinger?" The user was confused about how to turn the camera. They thought that rotating the phone would automatically rotate the camera, but instead, they needed to use their finger to do so.

    • To address this confusion, we will add a section to the introduction that clearly explains how to turn the camera using your finger.
    • In this pull request the fix has been added.
  2. "Ja, leuk" The user found the idea enjoyable.

    • No action taken, it's positive feedback.
  3. "Nee." After reading about the first point of interest on the route, the user felt they did not learn much.

    • This outcome was due to the user's own choice. There will be no action taken.
  4. "Het uitzoomen van de camera is wel irritant." The user found zooming out with the camera to be irritating.

    • This issue will be addressed by implementing the same solution described in the first feedback action above, which involves adding a section to the introduction explaining how to operate the camera.
    • In this pull request the fix has been added.
  5. Lisa: "Is het nog steeds duidelijk welke kant je op moet?" Lisa asked the user if the route following is still clear. The user said yes, doesn't mind it's a little bit inaccurate.

    • No action taken, it's positive feedback.
  6. "Waar eindige we waaneer we klaar zijn?" The user asked where the end of the route is.

    • This will be addressed by adding a bird's eye view of the area with the entire route highlighted to the introduction.
    • In this pull request the fix has been added.
  7. Bas: "Ding staat verkeerd" Bas discovered that the "Battle of Watergraafsmeer" was not marked at the correct location.

    • This will be corrected by placing the "Battle of Watergraafsmeer" at the accurate location.
    • In this pull request the fix has been added.
  8. Bas: "Ik heb de collider verkeerd gezet." Bas placed the collider for the Frankendael Gate incorrectly.

    • Bas will fix this by placing the collider correctly on the gate.
    • In this pull request the fix has been added.
  9. "Wat is een Capturegraafsmeer?" The user did not know the name of the game/application.

    • This will be resolved by adding a new first introduction page that includes a welcome message with the name of the game/application, its purpose, and information about who made it.
    • In this pull request the fix has been added.
  10. "Lopen" When asked what was not fun about the game, the user mentioned the walking.

    • No action will be taken as walking is an essential aspect of the game.
  11. "Wat meer gebouwtjes er bij." When asked what he would add if he could, the user suggested adding more points of interest.

    • This will be fixed. This was a test version of the game, it was on porous limited.

User 2

Full user test footage!

  1. "Het is de enigste knop, daar moet het wel in zitten" When asked if it was clear where the photo would end up, the user mentioned that since it's the only button on the screen, it should be obvious.

    • Enhance clarity by either flashing the button or including a mention of it in the introduction.
    • Here is the userstorie on trello.
    • In this pull request the fix has been added.
  2. "Wanner ik een foto heb gemaakt kan ik nog op het gebouw drukken." The user mentioned that after taking a photo, they could still click on the building and retake the photo, which was irritating because they were moving the camera.

    • Implement a solution where users are allowed only one attempt to take a photo, preventing further interaction with the building after the first photo is taken.
    • In this pull request the fix has been added.
  3. "Boven of onder?" The user was confused about where to walk because there was a stair on the left, but the road ahead seemed straight.

    • To enhance clarity, Lisa has explained how she designed the map and specifically mention that she omitted drawing the road beyond this point to prevent confusion and provide clearer guidance.
  4. "Oh, mijn lijn is nu weg." The user got confused because the red line they were following suddenly disappeared.

    • This is a critical issue that needs to be addressed. If not fixed, users won't be able to follow the route. Implement measures to ensure that the red line remains visible throughout the entire route without unexpected disappearance.
    • Here is the userstorie on trello.
    • In this pull request the fix has been added.
  5. "Is dit een gepolijste of een grove versie?" The user asked if this was a polished or rough version of the game.

    • Clarify that this is a user test version and not the final version of the game.
  6. "Je kan niet inzoomen voor de foto." The user was disappointed to discover that they could not zoom in when taking a photo.

    • Here is the userstorie on trello.
    • This is considered a small additional feature and will be addressed, if there is time left.
    • In this pull request the fix has been added.
  7. "Misschien een idee om overige foto's te kunnen maken." The user suggests the idea of being able to take photos at any time.

    • Here is the userstorie on trello.
    • While this idea would be enjoyable, it falls outside the scope of the project's current timeframe and will not be implemented.
  8. "De fotoboek werkt op het moment niet goed." The user was trying to flip through the pages of the photo book but couldn't get it to work. They were swiping on the page to flip it.

    • To address this issue, consider changing the color of the arrows or adjusting their placement to improve visibility and usability.
    • In this pull request the fix has been added.
  9. "Volgens mij is het aan het chrashen?" The user mentioned that the game crashed.

    • Although the game worked fine after restarting, it's crucial to investigate why the crash occurred and address any underlying issues to prevent future occurrences.
    • This problem may have been fixed in this pull request. The problem is not easily recreated, so this might be still in the game.
  10. "Doel einde is wel behaald." When asked about their thoughts on the idea and its goal, the user stated that the goal has been achieved.

    • No action taken, it's positive feedback.
  11. "Verschil tussen voet- fiest- auto paden." After being asked what he would change, the user suggests implementing clearer distinctions between pedestrian, bike, and car paths.

    • While this is a good idea, it falls outside the scope of the current project.


After conducting user tests with multiple participants, it became evident that while the game showed promise, there were several areas that needed improvement. Users provided valuable feedback, pointing out both positive aspects and areas for enhancement.

Positive Feedback

  • Users expressed enjoyment and engagement with the game concept.
  • Some users found the idea and its goal to be clear and achievable.
  • Positive responses were received regarding certain features and functionalities.

Areas for Improvement

  • Usability: Users encountered difficulties with navigation, such as understanding how to turn the camera and follow the route.
  • Clarity: Issues arose with the visibility of certain elements, such as the red line guiding the route and the functionality of interactive elements like photo-taking.
  • Functionality: Users reported instances of crashes and technical glitches, impacting their overall experience.
  • Scope: Some suggestions, while valuable, were deemed outside the scope of the current project's timeframe.

Next Steps

  • Address usability issues by enhancing clarity and providing better guidance on navigation and interaction.
  • Investigate and resolve technical issues to ensure a smoother user experience and minimize crashes.
  • Consider implementing some user suggestions for future iterations, prioritizing those that align with the project's goals and constraints.

Overall, the user testing process provided valuable insights that will inform the refinement and development of the game, with the ultimate goal of delivering a more engaging and seamless experience for players.