Software in use - Team-Swamp/CaptureGraafsmeer GitHub Wiki

General software Description Notes
Unity The game engine of use More info here
Github desktop We use this to push, pull and fix merge conflicts on this repo
Power Point With this we will make the sprint reviews presentations
Discord The main way we will communicate Only used by this development team
Teams Here we will share our presentations and documents. Also used for outside connections Only accessible if allowed in Media College Teams
Trello This is used for planning and scrum board
Spotify We like music, so we have a playlist we listen to together during our exams The playlist
Artist software Description Notes
Blender The 3D software we use to make models The technical artist and 2/3 artist of the team use it
Maya The 3D software we use to make models 1/3 artist of the team use it
Photoshop This used for art assets, story boards and tumbnaling
Substance Painter We use this to texture our models
Miro This is used for style of the map
Developer software Description Notes
Rider We write our code using Rider We do use a stundent licence for this
Photoshop This used for visual sheets of our features


This is our game engine of choice. This is the one we have the most experience in. It will also suit the clients goals the best.

Version: 2022.3.4

  • Why not Unreal?
    • 2/3 developers and 1/3 artist in the team have not used Unreal.
    • There could be problems for the mobile development.
  • Why not Godot?
    • Nobody has used this yet.
  • Other game engines where not discussed.