Test Plan - Team-SwAG/Course-Organizer GitHub Wiki

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Course Organizer

By Team SwAG

(Software Application Group)

System Testing Document

Version 1

April 7, 2013

Test Plan



1.0       Introduction to the Document

1.1  Objectives

This document gives the details of the testing phase of the Course Organizer software application.  The role of this document is to act as a guideline for team members when we are in the testing phase. The document will outline the procedures taken whenever a member of the team tests the Course Organizer application. This will include things such as the outline of the tested requirements and tested functions during each testing process. This document will also keep track of the Course Organizer’s schedule and track how close the application is to being finished.

1.2  System Summary

The Course Organizer software application is designed for students who are currently enrolled in a University/College. This application will help them keep track with their grades and the calculation of each grade added to determine the final grades of their classes. Also, the application will be able to calculate the overall GPA of a student.  Some other function(s) will be added if time permits.

2.0      Major Tests

2.1  Test 1

2.1.1    Test Specification Requirements Tested

  1. Interfaces
  1. User interface
  2. Hardware interface
  3. Software interface Functions Tested

  1. Startup Activity

The StartUp Activity presents the user with the initial screen the user will come to once the application is being executed. A plus button will appear on the screen so the user can start the process of adding their classes, starting with the year that the user took the class. This is displayed only upon initialization of the program.

  1. InputYear Activity

A new screen will appear with an alert dialog box that will prompt the user to add the year in which he or she took the class. For example, if the student took the class in 2010, the user would input “2010”.

  1. Year Activity

The application will take the year that the user inputted from the InputYear activity and place that item in a ListView. A plus button will be added to the bottom in order for the user to add another year to the list, in which the application will refer back to the InputYear Activity.

  1. InputSemester Activity

A new screen will appear with an alert dialog box that will prompt the user to add the semester in which the course was taken. For example, if the student took the class during the fall in 2010, then the user would input, “Fall”.

  1. Semester Activity

The application will take the semester that the user inputted from the InputSemester Activity and place that item in a list. A plus button will be at the bottom of the screen so that the user can add more semesters if needed, in which the application will refer back to the InputSemester Activity. A user will be able to add multiple semesters to each year.

  1. InputCourse Activity

A new screen will appear with an alert dialog box that will prompt the user to add the actual course that the user has taken. For example, if the student took the class, CSC 4900, then the user will input “CSC 4900”.

  1. Course Activity

The application will take the name of the course that the user inputted from the InputCourse Activity and place that item in a list. A plus button will be at the bottom of the screen so that the user can add more semesters if needed, in which the application will refer back to the InputCourse Activity. A user will be able to add multiple courses to each semester.

  1. InputCriteria Activity

A new screen will appear with an alert dialog box that will prompt the user to add name of the criteria and the weight it has on each grade. The weight of the grades are used to determine the final grade of each class once all of the grades have been entered in the application. For example, if the assignment is a test and tests are 40% of their overall grade for that class, then the user will input “Test” in one of the dialog boxes and “40” in the other.

  1. Criteria Activity

The application will take the name of the criteria that the user inputted from the InputCriteria Activity and place that item in a list. A plus button will be at the bottom of the screen so that the user can add more types of criteria if needed, in which the application will refer back to the InputCriteria Activity. A user will be able to add multiple types of criteria to each course in order to sort the assignments accordingly.

  1. InputAssignment Activity

A new screen will appear with an alert dialog box that will prompt the user to add name of the assignment and the actual grade. The grades are used in order to determine the overall grade of the class. For example, if the user wishes to add Exam 1 in which they made an 85, the user will input “Exam 1” in one of the dialog boxes and “85” in the other.

  1. Assignment Activity

The application will take the name of the assignment that the user inputted from the InputAssignment Activity and place that item in a list. The grade will be placed on the right side of the list. A plus button will be at the bottom of the screen so that the user can add more assignments if needed, in which the application will refer back to the InputAssignment Activity. A user will be able to add multiple assignments to each criteria in order to keep track of each grade to determine the overall grade of the class. Methods

  1. Ask the users to input data and see if the system works or to see if the certain activity works. Conditions

  1. If the activities works, then do nothing
  2. If the activities do not work well or do not work at all, changes and revision are needed to the code in order to increase fluidity and productivity.

2.1.2 Test Description Data

  1. Year - 2013
  2. Semester - Fall
  3. Course - CSC 4900
  4. Criteria - 10%
  5. Assignment - 90 Test Procedures

  1. Users input the information they provided and we are tracking whether the values that user input is stored in the database.  
  2. The application should check the grades through the grade calculator by using the users’ inputs.

2.2 Test 2

2.2.1 Test Specification Requirements Tested

  1. Grades calculation
  2. Database
  3. GPA calculator Functions Tested

  1. Startup Activity

The StartUp Activity presents the user with the initial screen the user will come to once the application is being executed. A plus button will appear on the screen so the user can start the process of adding their classes, starting with the year that the user took the class.

  1. InputYear Activity

A new screen will appear with an alert dialog box that will prompt the user to add the year in which he or she took the class. For example, if the student took the class in 2010, the user would input “2010”.

  1. Year Activity

The application will take the year that the user inputted from the InputYear activity and place that item in a list. A plus button will be added to the bottom in order for the user to add another year to the list, in which the application will refer back to the InputYear Activity.

  1. InputSemester Activity

A new screen will appear with an alert dialog box that will prompt the user to add the semester in which the course was taken. For example, if the student took the class during the fall in 2010, then the user would input, “Fall”.

  1. Semester Activity

The application will take the semester that the user inputted from the InputSemester Activity and place that item in a list. A plus button will be at the bottom of the screen so that the user can add more semesters if needed, in which the application will refer back to the InputSemester Activity. A user will be able to add multiple semesters to each year.

  1. InputCourse Activity

A new screen will appear with an alert dialog box that will prompt the user to add the course that the user has taken. For example, if the student took the class, CSC 4900, then the user will input “CSC 4900”.

  1. Course Activity

The application will take the name of the course that the user inputted from the InputCourse Activity and place that item in a list. A plus button will be at the bottom of the screen so that the user can add more semesters if needed, in which the application will refer back to the InputCourse Activity. A user will be able to add multiple courses to each semester.

  1. InputCriteria Activity

A new screen will appear with an alert dialog box that will prompt the user to add name of the criteria and the weight it has on each grade. The weight of the grades are used to determine the final grade of each class once all of the grades have been entered in the application. For example, if the assignment is a test and tests are 40% of their overall grade for that class, then the user will input “Test” in one of the dialog boxes and “40” in the other.

  1. Criteria Activity

The application will take the name of the criteria that the user inputted from the InputCriteria Activity and place that item in a list. A plus button will be at the bottom of the screen so that the user can add more types of criteria if needed, in which the application will refer back to the InputCriteria Activity. A user will be able to add multiple types of criteria to each course in order to sort the assignments accordingly.

  1. InputAssignment Activity

A new screen will appear with an alert dialog box that will prompt the user to add name of the criteria and the weight it has on each grade. The weight of the grades are used to determine the final grade of each class once all of the grades have been entered in the application. For example, if the assignment is a test and tests are 40% of their overall grade for that class, then the user will input “Test” in one of the dialog boxes and “40” in the other.

  1. Assignment Activity

        The application will take the name of the assignment that the user inputted from the InputAssignment Activity and place that item in a list. The grade will be placed on the right side of the list. A plus button will be at the bottom of the screen so that the user can add more assignments if needed, in which the application will refer back to the InputAssignment Activity. A user will be able to add multiple assignments to each criteria in order to keep track of each grade to determine the overall grade of the class. Methods

  1. Ask the users to input data and see if the system works or to see if the certain activity works. Conditions

  1. If the correct gpa’s show, then do nothing
  2. If the correct information is added/retrieved from database.

2.2.2 Test Description Test Data

  1. Year - 2013
  2. Semester - Fall
  3. Course - CSC 4900
  4. Criteria - 10%-Assignment - 90,75,87
  5. Criteria - 90%-Project- 95

  1. Year - 2013
  2. Semester - Fall
  3. Course - CSC 3750
  4. Criteria - 30% -Test- 93,87,88
  5. Criteria - 30%- Final- 85
  6. Criteria - 40%-HW- 80,85,85,90,100,100,100

  1. Year - 2013
  2. Semester - Fall
  3. Course - CSC 4020
  4. Criteria - 40% -Midterm- 100
  5. Criteria - 40%- Final- 98
  6. Criteria - 20%- HW- 100,95,85,90,100,100 Test Procedures

  1. Users input the information of their classes and whether the values that user input is stored in the database.  
  2. The application should check the grades through the grade calculator by using the users’ inputs.


3.0      Schedule

  1. Finish testing in week of April 15th, 2013.
  2. Present demo in week of April 22nd, 2013.


4.0      Materials Needed

  1. Course Organizer SRS v1
  2. Design document


5.0       Requirements Traceability Matrix

  1. Functions
  2. External Interface
  3. User Interface
  4. Hardware Interface
  5. Software Interface
  6. Database
  7. Grade Calculator
  8. GPA Calculator
  9. Constraints

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