5 16 2020 - Team-Pickle-juice/code-301-food-app GitHub Wiki
Project Manager
##Completed Tasks
server.js / registerUser | Assigned to: Adam/Brendon Assigned to: Bhagirath/Richard
- Fix JOIN issue to to render recipes for users that only have 1 allergy
app.js / renderRecipeInfo | Assigned to: Bhagirath/Richard
- Include 'Servings' to the additional information for each recipe (Make sure to add this in the header to be rendered using Mustache"
head.ejs | Assigned to: Bhagirath/Richard
- Modify the script for Mustache template text from'Price' to "Price Per Serving"
- Add Servings to Mustache template
server.js / handleDelete | Assigned to: Adam/Brendon
- Delete Profile button needs to also delete meals stored in the meal_plan table for the user.
search-results.ejs | Assigned to: Adam/Rich
- Add 'Save to Meal Plan' button - that calls addRecipe Function
profile.ejs Assigned to: Adam/Rich
- Saved meals need to be displayed in the profile.ejs page
search-results.ejs Assigned to: Chuck
- Add 'Hide' functionality for additional information displayed per recipe. |
In Progress /To do tasks
Fix the rendered recipes from meal_plan table
- Show correct name
- Show all recipes in meal_plan on page load. Currently it only shows the saved recipes after adding a new one.
Fix the 'Hide button' issue on page results page. Currently when a user clicks 'View more information' button, a 'Hide Information' button is added to each recipe.
Add logic to check for an existing user. Currently a user can create different accounts using the same name.
Render Profile Page after User finishes creating a new account
Add an 'Update Profile' button - This will allow the user to update his/her name, calories, and allegies
- For Each displayed meal:
- Add an 'Update Meal' button - User can update ingredients, instructions, recipe name, etc.
- Add a 'Delete Meal' button - Will delete selected Meal from meal_plan table
- For Each displayed meal:
CSS styling
- add scroll bar to description and instructions
- add colors to pages (decide which color to use)
- center items on page
Add NavBar or Hamburger Menu to all pages with links to:
- Home Page
- Profile Page
- Sign Out
- Any other Ideas?