How to GitHub - Team-Kumquat/SoftUni-QA-Blog GitHub Wiki

Part. 1 Installing the GUI and Git Shell client and associate it with your account.

  1. Download it from here
  2. Install to your machine
  3. Start the program by clicking on the GitHub icon on your desktop
  4. Log in through the graphical interface with your email and password

Part. 2 Cloning the repository into your machine

  1. Open the Git Shell console that you installed from the previous steps.
  2. Use the cd console command to set a working directory for the repo:
  3. Type cd + 'Path_to_your_working_directory'

C:\Downloads> cd 'C:\Users\Velizar Valkov\Documents'

  1. Type git clone
  2. now the repo will download to the path you specified on step. 3
  3. Now type git status
  4. The expected result is: On branch master Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'. nothing to commit, working tree clean

Part. 3 Make your first commit

  1. If you successfully clone the repo in your local environment along with the Blog Skeleton project you'll find a folder called TestCommit.
  2. Go to that folder and add something there
  3. Go back to the Git Shell (don't forget to cd to the path where you cloned the repo)
  4. The console line must look like "your_path_here [master ?]>"
  5. Type git status

Untracked files: (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)

  1. You'll see here the new files that you added to your local repo folder.

[master ? +1 ~0 -0 !]

  1. Type git add . ( ! there is a "." at the end)
  2. Now the color changed to green - this means it can be commited to the Git repo
  3. Type git status to see what will be added
  4. Type git commit -m 'your_msg_here_what_is_new'

[master 5e874ab] My first commit 1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) create mode 100644 TestCommit/HelpMe.txt

  1. Type git push origin master
  2. Go here to check your commit
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