How to GitHub - Team-Kumquat/SoftUni-QA-Blog GitHub Wiki
Part. 1 Installing the GUI and Git Shell client and associate it with your account.
- Download it from here
- Install to your machine
- Start the program by clicking on the GitHub icon on your desktop
- Log in through the graphical interface with your email and password
Part. 2 Cloning the repository into your machine
- Open the Git Shell console that you installed from the previous steps.
- Use the cd console command to set a working directory for the repo:
- Type cd + 'Path_to_your_working_directory'
C:\Downloads> cd 'C:\Users\Velizar Valkov\Documents'
- Type git clone
- now the repo will download to the path you specified on step. 3
- Now type git status
- The expected result is:
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
nothing to commit, working tree clean
Part. 3 Make your first commit
- If you successfully clone the repo in your local environment along with the Blog Skeleton project you'll find a folder called TestCommit.
- Go to that folder and add something there
- Go back to the Git Shell (don't forget to cd to the path where you cloned the repo)
- The console line must look like "your_path_here [master ?]>"
- Type git status
Untracked files: (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
- You'll see here the new files that you added to your local repo folder.
[master ? +1 ~0 -0 !]
- Type git add . ( ! there is a "." at the end)
- Now the color changed to green - this means it can be commited to the Git repo
- Type git status to see what will be added
- Type git commit -m 'your_msg_here_what_is_new'
[master 5e874ab] My first commit
1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 TestCommit/HelpMe.txt
- Type git push origin master
- Go here to check your commit