SQL Challenge - Team-Juan/user-guides GitHub Wiki
SQL Challenge
Now that you have read the SQL user guide. You may be ready for the SQL challenge.
Part 1
CREATE challenge:
Create a database named 'MegaCorp'. This database will contain two tables, one named 'Employees' and one named 'Products'. The table structure will consist of the following:
eID - The employee's ID, cannot be null and must auto increment in number.
fName - The employee's first name, maximum length is 16 and cannot be null.
lName - The employee's last name, maximum length is 24 and cannot be null.
eTitle - The employee's title, maximum length is 20.
eSalary - The employee's salary.
pID - The product ID. Cannot be null and must auto increment in number.
pName - The product's name, maximum length is 24 and cannot be null.
pDesc - The product's description, maximum length is 128.
pPrice - The product's price.
Part 2
INSERT challenge:
- Insert three rows into each table.
Part 3
SELECT challenge:
- SELECT all rows from the Employees table.
- SELECT all rows from the Products table.
- SELECT the first and last name of every employee from the Employee table.
- SELECT all employees whose first name begins with 'S'.
- SELECT all products that have a price that is more than $50.
Part 4
UPDATE challenge:
- One of your employees got married and wants their last name changed to reflect their marriage.
- One of your employees got a promotion and an increase in salary.
- One of your products price increased due to a rise in production costs.
- One of your products has a 10% discount.
Part 5
DELETE/DROP challenge:
Delete all rows from the Employees and Products tables. Drop both tables. Drop the database.
Click here for the solutions to this challenge.