System_Analysis - Team-Confused/Group_Project GitHub Wiki

System Analysis

Use Case Diagram

Search use-case
Actions performed by the user Responses from System
1 Click "Search"
2 Display Search Bar
3 Type in name of the item
4 Display Searched items
5 Select item
6 Display selected Item
password reset, admin side
Actions performed by the Admin Responses from the system
1 Select user
2 Press Password Reset Button
3 Ask for new Password
4 Input password
5 Change User password, output confirmation.
password reset, user side
Actions from the user Responses from the system
1 Select Password Change
2 Request old password
3 input old password
4 Confirm Old password. If correct, ask for new password. If incorrect, reset to step 2.
5 Input new Password.
6 Confirm password changed
Actions from the user Responses from the system
1 User selects sort and filter button
2 Program displays filters and sort options
3 User selects options
4 Return to main screen, displaying only filtered events in the specified sort order
List Management
Actions performed by the user Responses from System
1 Click "Manage List"
2 Display List options
View List
Add List
Remove List
Add Sub-List
Move Sub-List
3 Click "View List", else skip 3&4
4 Display existing Lists :
View Sub- Lists
5 Click "Add List", else skip 5,6,7 ,8&9
6 Create(Add) List , Exception: Today Overdue Upcoming Completed
7 Enter List name
8 Save List Option to add Sub-List
8 Add a title and description for sub-list
9 Save Sub-List
10 Click "Remove List"
11 Display existing the list
12 Select List to be removed Exception :Today Overdue Upcoming Completed
13 Remove Lists and save
14 Click "Add Sub-List"
15 Choose Parent -List
16 Select Parent List
17 Save Sub-List to Parent List
18 Confirm changes
19 Save all data and exit
close program
actions from the user responses from the system
1 Click "Close Program"
2 logout active users
3 exit application
Actions performed by the user Responses from System
1 User starts program
2 Show Splash Screen (3-5 seconds)
3 Show Login/Register screen
4 Click login
5 Ask for email and password
6 Input login data
7 Check that there is an account for that email. If not, display error and reset to step 5. If yes, check password. If password is invalid, reset to step 5. If password is valid, retrieve user_id and load data.
Actions performed by the user Responses from System
1 User starts program
2 Show Splash Screen (3-5 seconds)
3 Show Login/Register screen
4 User selects register
5 Asks for first/last name, email, picture, bio, password
6 User inputs info
7 If email is not already used, create_account() with generated ID number. Inform user and go to login screen. If email has already been used, inform user and reset to step 5
Create Task
Actions performed by the user Responses from System
1 Click "Create Task"
2 create new task
3 ask user to enter task name
4 enter task name
5 save task name into a structure
6 Ask user to enter when the task is due.
Provide options for: Specific Date Following Day The Weekend 1 Week Later Have No Data
7 Select which task due system to use
8 save Task Due System into structure
9 Ask user to enter description
10 enter description of task
11 Ask user to set priority of task
Provide options for: Highest High Medium Low (Default)
12 Select Priority-Level of task
13 Check Priority-Level. If none was given, set Priority Level to Low
14 Save Priority-Level into structure.
15 Ask user to add/remove a label from the task
16 Select labels to add to task or to remove from task
17 save labels of task into structure
18 Check that task is not a subtask. If it is, skip to step 18; if it is not, go to step 16
19 add a subtask
20 If subtask added, save into structure
21 Ask user to set list (or project) to which it belongs
22 Enter which list of project this task belongs to
23 save which list/project the task belongs to in the structure
21 Ask user to confirm all data
22 Print data to the user and await confirmation
22 Confirm data
23 Mark as Completed
24 save structure into associated list
logout user
actions from the user responses from the system
1 Click "logout"
2 save data of user
3 empty list manager
4 set user status to "logged out"
5 go to login/register screen
Task management
Actions from the user Responses from the system
1 Select task, click Manage Task
2 Display editable parameters
3 enter changes, push done button
4 change task settings to whatever has been changed.