Charter - Team-Confused/Group_Project GitHub Wiki
Project Summary
A ToDo manager that allows users to input events, add subtasks, set priorities, due dates, etc, and reschedule, delete, or duplicate a task.
Team Rolls:
Tim-git, deployment, UI
Daniel-Build, testing, development
Nicholas-leader, requirements, design
Communication Methods:
How will the team hold meetings? Discord and Zoom.
Friday 3:00, Saturday 1:00
How will the team ensure that members take part in the meetings?
Aggressive Pinging on discord/$10 fine.
How will the team communicate project and design decisions amongst the team members?
Through discord and team meetings.
How will the team assign tasks during the project execution?
Divide the work into contained, equal parts between team members.
How will the team resolve disputes between team members?
Talk like calm, reasonable adults.