Linux Commands - Team-5/UserGuides GitHub Wiki

#Linux Commands Guide #####Login by entering your username and password which will not appear when typed

Beginner Commands

###Logout Command logout ###Change Password passwd ###Listing files ls ls -la ###Creating a directory (Ex. year1) mkdir year1 ###Changing directory cd year1 ###Online manual man ###Move files mv ###Copy files cp ###Delete files rm ###Remove directories rmdir ###Search for files (slow) find ###Search for files (faster) locate ###Display file type file ###Display file size size ###Display file statistics stat ###List open files lsof ###Create a link ln ##Intermdeiate Commands ###Display/edit command aliases alias ###Compress files gzip ###Uncompress files gunzip ###Securely delete files shred ###Display the head of a file head ###Display the tail of a file tail ###Sort input files/streams sort ###Display files cat ###Display compressed files zcat ###Display printable characters strings ###Switch user su ###Run a program as another user sudo ###Display user identity id ###Display user limits ulimit ###Display who is logged in who ###Display what users are doing w ###Display active user accounts users ###Display last user logins last ###Display all user’s last login lastlog ###Send a message to all users wall ###Display current user id whoami ###Change file/directory permissions chmod ###Display or set umask settings umask ###Set/change password passwd ###Create user accounts useradd