MVP List - Tdon95/Center GitHub Wiki

MVP List

Center, is a Medium clone, that is a place to publish articles online. It can be done professionally or as an ametuer and the articles written can be shared with others and can be thought to be a blogging site.

1. Hosting on Heroku (7/27/2020, 1 day)

2. Making an account (login, logout) (7/28/2020 2 days)

  • The user can login and logout of their account.
  • A user does not necessarily need an account to test the site but can use a demo account to check out some of the features.
  • Users not logged in can view content on the site but will be unable to share, follow, or comment on any article.

3. Follow (7/30/2020 2 days)

  • Every user has access to a profile with all their saved articles (view later articles) and recently viewed articles.
  • Users can follow other users and be notified when said user writes a new article, or see activity of that user (maybe as a notification).

4. Profile (8/3/2020 1 day)

  • Users will have a place where all other they can view other's articles and follows, etc.
  • Users have a public profile that allows other users to see their articles, follows, etc.

5. Posting Articles (8/4/2020 2 days)

  • Users have the ability to post an article and have it be published on the site for others to view.
  • Articles will be displayed on the home page.
  • There will be a nav bar for different popular news topics that a user can view and post to (unsure currently how posts are put on the feed. Are they voted up by users or does every article that gets written get put up regardless of view count etc).
  • Popular articles and blogs would most likely get pinned for other users to view at a later time, for a short period.

6. Feed (8/6/2020 1.5 days)

  • Users can filter their page by different topics they are interested and have an amalgamation of different articles being presented to them based off their interested topics they choose from.
  • A user can also follow a specific author and have their articles and posts show in their feed.

7. Production README (8/7/2020 0.5 days)

Bonus features

8. Notifications

  • When a user is following another user they will get notified when the latter makes a new post.
  • When a user is following a news topic and something important happened in said news topic the user will be notified.
  • A user who makes a post and sees activity of that post will be notified of said activity.