Native RMI Cache - TcmExtensions/TcmCDService GitHub Wiki
The native remote method interface cache leverages the default Tridion cache channel service architecture in order to receive cache events from other Tridion java virtual machines.
NativeRMICache makes use of IKVM. IKVM is a compiler / transformer which can transform Java native bytecode to .NET native bytecode.
Additionally it includes the Java OpenJDK 1.7 converted to .NET.
This means that Java code can run as actual .NET CIL natively inside the .NET virtual machine.
This means no Java virtual machine is needed or marshalling taking place.
Since Java RMI uses serialization, this allows the Java com.tridion.cache.CacheEvent object to deserialize from a Java binary serialization format to a .NET object.
The resulting deserialized CacheEvent is then used in .NET to pass the cache event information to the .NET TcmCDService.