ActiveMQ Configuration - TcmExtensions/TcmCDService GitHub Wiki


The ActiveMQ cache type assumes an active and configured ActiveMQ messaging server is available in the network.

By default the ActiveMQ messaging service will accept connections on port 61616.


The ActiveMQ cache type is configured as follows:

<!-- ActiveMQCache caches items until a cache flush instruction is received from Tridion over Apache ActiveMQ.
	 Note that this requires configuring the com.tridion.tcmcdservice.jms.JMSXMLCacheConnector on the Tridion Java side.	-->

<cacheType type="TcmCDService.CacheTypes.ActiveMQCache, TcmCDService.ActiveMQ">
<setting key="brokerUrl">activemq:tcp://</setting>
<setting key="topic">TridionCCS</setting>
<setting key="username"></setting>
<setting key="password"></setting>

The Tridion deployer and presentation configuration cd_storage_conf.xml configuration needs to be updated accordingly to send Xml serialized CacheEvents which TcmCDService can understand:

<RemoteSynchronization Queuesize="4096" ServiceMonitorInterval="10000">
<Connector Class="com.tridion.tcmcdservice.jms.JMSXMLCacheChannelConnector" Topic="Tridion"> 
		<Property Name="java.naming.factory.initial" Value="org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory" />
		<Property Name="java.naming.provider.url" Value="tcp://" />
		<Property Name="topic.Tridion" Value="TridionCCS" />

The configuration is nearly identical to the default Tridion JMS configuration, however in this case the com.tridion.tcmcdservice.jms.JMSXMLCacheChannelConnector is used.

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