Commands - TarixCat/devtcbn GitHub Wiki
Commands are currently all simple and in a alpha state any command is liable to being disabled at anytime according to bugs and such.
- test: Debug Command
- inp: Debug Command, Contains intentionally broken aspect
- cwb: Opens a workbench
- cfly: Toggles fly
- cheal: Heals you
- cfeed: Feeds you
- chelp: Prints help text in chat
- update: Updates all servers data files
- pos: Prints your coords in chat (only to you)
- rpos: Prints another players coords in chat
- bcpos: Broadcasts your coords to chat (everyone)
- gmc: Sets your gamemode to Creative
- gma: Sets your gamemode to Adventure
- gms: Sets your gamemode to Survival
- gmsp: Sets your gamemode to Spectator
- staffcheck: Checks Staff Variables
- modmode: Toggles Mod Mode
- adminmode: Toggles Admin Mode