Lab 5 2 Port Address Translation Configuration - TannerWeinacker/NET-330-01 GitHub Wiki

Port Address Translation (PAT) configuration

  • First you will need to assign IP addresses to the specific ports that are being used
  • You will then have to define "inside" and outside" interfaces. For further context look at

Create an Address pool

  • (config)# ip nat pool "name" "Public address" "Public address" netmask X.X.X.X
  • This command allows you to create a range or specify a public Ip address that will be used

Create and access-list

  • (config)# access-list 1 permit "Interall address" "Subnet Mask"
  • Running this command will route-specific network addresses through the public IP address we set in the command before

Assign pool and access rule to interface

  • (config)# ip nat inside source list 1 pool "name" overload
  • overload allows up to 64,000 clients to use the public address

To test to see if this worked, ping a server or computer outside of the network

  • Use show ip nat translations to see the NAT table