Week 9 - TannerWeinacker/Capstone GitHub Wiki

Summary of accomplishments, tasks worked on, tasks completed

I have been polishing the SCP, IAM roles and groups, and various permissions. Along with Creating a test environment for the AD integration. I also spoke with the client about a new test environment that is coming to allow us some further testing before being put into a full production environment.

Issues encountered and how you addressed them

The issues encountered are more related to the process of learning AD integration.

Skills acquired or strengthened and lessons learned

Furthered my knowledge in YAML and Policies, and building a stronger environment. I also have gained strength in learning about AD integration

Thoughts/ideas that may impact the next week of work on your Capstone

The research done will help me automate this process along with getting an idea of how much the budgeting may cost. Doing the testing now will allow me to minimize the potential cost impact and reduce it as best as I can.