Network Monitor - TannerWeinacker/Capstone GitHub Wiki

Network Monitor



Topic Definition

A network monitor created from scratch, designed to be deployed and used by a non-technical household. Potentially including a network map after an initial scan. This network monitor would be created with resource efficiency, security concerns, and overall ease of usage in mind.


This topic is important to me because it would allow me to deploy and learn networking protocols better than ever before. Also, this would allow me to increase my programming capability, which right now is something that is pretty weak.


I would essentially be learning a programming language, potentially C or C++, to create a network monitor from scratch. I would create a monitor that would have push notifications dependent on flags set by the household, there would be a network map created after an initial scan so the consumer can have an overview of their household. Lastly, this would test my security abilities to implement best practices when creating the network monitor.