Cloud Integration - TannerWeinacker/Capstone GitHub Wiki
Cloud Integration
Adam Goldstein
Topic Overview
I would plan and deploy a cloud integration for Cyber.local for this project. Steps for this project include but are not limited to Learning Cyber.local infrastructure, planning cloud infrastructure model, determining what cloud provider(s) would be best to implement, learning cloud providers' tools and services to make infrastructure better, billing and cost reports, and creating virtual environments for students, deploying virtual environments, and more.
Why I am interested
I think designing and deploying a cloud infrastructure for the cyber division in the school would be a worthwhile capstone. This is a project that would not just benefit me but, the entire cyber division in the future. Cloud infrastructure is also something that I have never dealt with before, and learning this could be a great tool for my future endeavors.
What I would be doing
Above, I described what some of the deliverables for the project would be, and all that was listed above, I would be doing. I have spoken to Adam and another potentially interested student and we would be looking into AWS and Azure to ensure we are able to implement this smoothly and have the most functionality for the professors and the students. Potentially even upgrading the cyber.local infrastructure to work better with a hybrid cloud environment.