Test Repository - TangibleDream/chessJS GitHub Wiki

Test Cases / Requirements


Req # Requirement
S1000 Upon initial page load, a properly set up chessboard is present, a start button and start page instructions are also present.
S1001 Pressing start button changes instructions to move a piece, button has changed to Concede Game
S1002 Pressing Concede Game ends game for correct player
S1003 When asked to select a piece, selecting a good piece, changes the instructions to set a destation to move the piece to. Button now says 'Go Back'
S1004 When a valid destination is selected, the board is updated with the new move, the button now says 'End Turn'
S1005 When end turn button is pressed, the chess board is turned around for next player, and instructions reflect moving a piece as in S1001


Req # Requirement
I51_1 When attempting a move a piece cannot do, the instruction message informs the play what the piece selected can do, and to make a valid move or choose another piece.
I91_1 On start of turn, a King will be in check if threat comes from the North by a queen or rook.
I91_2 On start of turn, a King will be in check if threat comes from the South by a queen or rook.
I91_3 On start of turn, a King will be in check if threat comes from the East by a queen or rook.
I91_4 On start of turn, a King will be in check if threat comes from the West by a queen or rook.
I91_5 On start of turn, a King will be in check if threat comes from the Northeast by a queen, bishop or adjacent pawn.
I91_6 On start of turn, a King will be in check if threat comes from the Northwest by a queen, bishop or adjacent pawn.
I91_7 On start of turn, a King will be in check if threat comes from the Southeast by a queen, or bishop.
I91_8 On start of turn, a King will be in check if threat comes from the Southeast by a queen, or bishop.
I91_9 While in check, a King cannot move towards the direction of the threat.