Error codes - TanelOrumaa/Estonian-ID-card-mobile-authenticator-POC GitHub Wiki

Error codes and conditions returned by the app

Expands on

Status Code Error message Reason
400 Required parameter {parameterName} missing Mandatory parameter in request is missing or has incorrect format/value
401 Failed to authorise Authentication failed. Some request token might be expired.
403 No permission Relying Party has no permission to use requested capability
404 Session does not exist Session does not exist or has expired
405 Method not allowed To be specified
408 Timeout The request timed out or communication with the ID-card took too long
429 Too many requests The client sent too many requests in a given amount of time
444 Cancelled User cancelled authentication or exited the authentication app
445 Card expired Authentication failed due to expired ID-card
446 Card locked The user entered an incorrect PIN code too many times or tried using a locked card
447 Card unreadable The data on the ID-card’s NFC chip is unreadable or could not be scanned
448 Card invalid The ID-card returned invalid or mismatching information
500 Internal error Unknown error, app or phone broken. Restart recommended.
501 Not implemented The request is not supported by the authentication app (yet)
502 Third party error While using another service, like biometrical authentication, the respective app or service returned an invalid response
503 Service unavailable For when the app is not ready to handle the request. A specific cause should be returned as well. Use for temporary conditions. See HTTP error 503 for more clarification.
504 Third party timeout While using another service, like biometrical authentication, the request to the other app or service timed out